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Staring blankly at her laptop screen, Sana's mind is full of thoughts. She was lost in her deep thoughts

"Babe" Sana got startled when she heard her boyfriend called her from the otherline. Sana stared at the man, Hansol is staring at her sadly.

"Look, I'm sorry.. I'm sorry the way I acted the last time we've talked" Hansol apologize, Sana just stared at him.

"But please, don't act like this.. Talk to me babe.."

Sana just stared at the man not saying a single words, Hansol sighed heavily.

"You're acting cold, you're not talking to me even sending me a message in a days.."

"Babe... I'm hurt, you're hurting me" Hansol added sadly.

Sana was surprise, it's not her intention to act like that towards the man. But lately her mind is too preoccupied with her daughter condition and when she got home her body is fully exhausted and ending up sleeping early when she got to bed, she doesn't have enough time to talk to the man and sometimes she forgot about him.

Sana felt guilty towards her action to her boyfriend.

"Babe, I'm sorry" Sana said, Hansol look up

"I'm really sorry, it just that... I'm too preoccupied with Minju's condition and when I got home I'm too tired and ending up sleeping when I got to bed, I'm sorry for making you felt that way" Sana explain, Hansol smile faintly

"It's okay, I understand.. It's that, I felt hurt.. There's only one thing I wanted, talk to me when were on call, please stop ignoring me babe"

"I'm sorry, I'll try to make up with you" Sana said and smile

"It's okay, but anyways how's Minju's condition?" Hansol asked, Sana sighed

"It's still the same" Sana said sadly, Hansol nodded his head

"Hmmm... How's about your meeting with her father?.. I mean with Tzuyu?" Hansol asked as he bite his lower lips, he felt nervous with her possible answer.

"It's fine" Sana said shortly

"It's actually good news" Sana said and smile brightly, Hansol knitted his brows. He felt anxious the way she act.

"What do you mean?" He asked sternly

'Why are you acting like that, Sana? I don't like the way you act right now' Hansol thought

"Well, I thought that when I met him, he will refused to believe, but I was wrong" Sana said and look down remembering the event, it was one of the best and happiest scene she ever witnessed with her life.

"Babe, Tzuyu accepted his child" Sana said happily. Hansol felt anger surged him and Sana didn't noticed the man reaction since her too occupied with her thought.

"And he even agreed to undergo for a test match"

"Can you believe it, babe? This will be a huge help for minju's health if the test give us a positive answers" Sana said happily, her eyes sparks.

But Hansol give an opposite reaction, he averted his gaze and gritted his teeth in anger.

"Damn it! I don't feel good about this!" Hansol thought as anger written all over his face

"There's no way I will let you Chou Tzuyu interfere with our life! We're good now, Sana is good now with me! Why this thing must happen?" Hansol mumble on his head

When he notice that Sana is now staring at him, he fake a smile to her and said

"That's good babe, that's a good news"

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