chapter 6

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"Now you're talking." Said zayn while smirking.

At the morning all the guys were supposed to be at the office to talk about the information that they got out from the guy.

"So what we got out from him." Said louis while getting inside the office while all the other boys already there.

"They're coming for us, and our whole family. They wants to take over our business." Niall smile and let out a laugh.

"And why the fuck are you so happy about it." Yell louis at him.

"Because while you were sleeping we send a few of our guys to get inside the tigers and send us information." Harry said while giving louis annoyed look, and louis does the same.

While harry and louis were having the staring fight the other boys were looking at them suspicious.

"What's your problem." Liam said  getting annoyed with them.

"He is my fucking problem." Harry said while pointing at louis.

"Piss off." Louis said giving harry the middle finger.

Harry ran towards louis and start fighting each other.

Louis aimed his gun at harry. Harry sprinted across the room, avoiding the 3 rounds louis shot.
Harry reached the chefs cart and grabbed a butcher knife. He threw it across the room and it struck the wall a few inches from louis head.

"Nice aim wanker." Louis yell out while reloading his gun.

"Says the shithead that missed three shots." Louis heard harry call out.

Just then, a knife pierced the door right above his head. Just as louis move, another massive knife went through the door where louis was.

Louis ran through the room, with his gun in hand while harry threw a barrage of knives at him. Louis ran torward him, agilely dodging everything harry was throwing at him. When louis got closer, he slide on the wooden floor and knocked harry's knee with the butt of his gun.

Harry fell to the floor in pain, and hit louis wrist so that his gun flew from his hand.

They started to wrestle on the floor, endlessly throwing punches at each other.

"Enough!!!" Zayn yell as he takes his gun and shoots the air 3 times.

Both louis and harry look up to meet the eyes if their very angry siblings.

"Let go of each other right now." Niall yell.

Hesitantly they look at each other, before they release their hold on one another.

"We made a truce to bring down the tigers. If we want to stay alive, you two have to come to a truce and stop fucking trying to kill each other." Liam said.

"Get cleaned up. We're going out you two will be staying here in the spare room and figure out what going on with you otherwise you're out." Zayn said.

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