Day 2: Morning

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Dani pov

My eyes are closed. No need to worry about Val and Danny fighting over which breakfast cereal is the best insult. Just quite sleep...

Do I smell bacon.

No more sleep. Up time. Time to be up. Must get downstairs to bacon without falling.

Okay made it.

Now bacon.

"Give me bacon." My sweet darling Valarie hands me a plate with bacon and toast on it. "Thanks babe."

Finally my delightful bacon is mine. My eyes start to clear up the sleep that kept them from fully opening. Danny is making a stupid face again. His lips pulled in a huge smile with fake tears in his eyes. "My child!" He dramatically says throwing open his arms hugging me. Continuing to say "My child., They grow up so fast, and we are one." Pulling me away from my bacon. No dad stop. "Whyyyyy." Is the only thing I can squeak out from inside the hug. Valerie gestures with her mug.

Looking down I see it. I'm wearing Danny's old shirt. In fact right now my PJ's match his plaid pants to red spot on the shirt. If I didn't look like a mini female him before. I sure as hell do now.

That's just great.

And Cujo's eaten my bacon.

Hello there buddies. My good friendly reader chums. I know it's been a while, but here take these fresh chapters that I didn't spell check. Here take'em. Please don't kill me.

Have a lovely day. 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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