episode 1

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Danny pov-

Lately the kids in 3E have been leaving behind the anti octopus bb's. Another thing is less kids talk to me. They still do, but just less offen. Which of course is good. I guess I just miss the little attention I got during the day.

Today I ran into Nagisa coming down the hill. His chest seemed to hurt. Another thing recently I've become the kids 'nurse'. Those bb's may not really hurt humans, but they leave one heck of a bump. I gave a ice pack. Well more of a ghost ice pack. I just say tomato tamato.

Up at 3E today there was a giant pile of some shell. It looks very gross. I guess rubber gloves for this. I should ask the octopus how to get rid of it.

Walking out into the hall. I see the octopus leaving the teachers lounge. "Hey octopus what do you want me to do with the pile of gross in your classroom?!"

I don't know how, but he looked confused with that permanent smile on his face. It only lasted for a moment. "Oh you mean my shedding!" Even more gross "Take it outside! It should decompose!"

I respond with a simple "k". Then I turn to head back to the room. Now that I think about it I've never talked to the octopus before. I put on my rubber gloves as I entered the room.

All of a sudden he's behind me.

Korosensei pov-

Today I was lucky to have been able to shed in time. It's been the most creative attempt so far. Nagisa did well. I just wish he valued his own safety more.

I was just leaveing my office when I heard. "Hey octopus what do you want me to do with the pile of gross in your classroom?!"

Oh it's the janitor. I have never really seen him since the first day. Sure I know when he's been through the building, because of the lack of mess. He's like a ghost.
Now he's talking to me for the first time. Wait what is he talking about? Oh right! "Oh you mean my shedding! Take it outside! It should decompose!" I really should have cleaned that up myself.

"K!" The guy turned away from me. Now that I think about he didn't even try to sneak attack me. He does have one of the anti me guns. Wait I don't know enough about him! How do I approach this? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I guess I just start with introductions.

I zoom behind him as he goes into the classroom. "Hello good sir! I don't think we have ever formally introduced ourselves to each other! My student Kaede gave me a name just today! So hello I'm Korosensei!"

I gave him my prize winning smile (his normal face). "Hello the kids have always called me Mr Janitor. So yeah you can call me that too." A man of few words I see. "Wait a minute you're the Mr Janitor?!!" This is THE Mr Janitor. The only other adult the my students don't hate. I've only heard of him. In myth / random gossip.

"Yeah. I mean I guess. So what happened to Nagisa today?" Oh he heard about that. "He tried to be suicide bomber." Mr Janitor face went grim as he started picking up the my shedding. "I just wish these kids had some more self worth. The system here is so messed up." He said.

It was quite for a bit. Awkward! "Is there anything else you need?" He asked.

"Why haven't you attempted to kill me?" Strait forward. That's me!

"Because that's what you want. And look guy I've been around these kids are long time. They've shared their issues with me. The fact that it's been happening less means they have been happier now. Plus I couldn't even if I tried. I'm not an assassin and I'm not being trained to be one. My days of fighting are over."

"So you used to fight?"

"Really that's all you got from that? You know what? Don't worry about that. I'm just here to do my job. Even if now I gotta pick up a hundred bb's."

Hope you all liked this chapter!!!!!!!

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