Episode 9

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Danny's pov

For Frostbites sake Tuck would love this. He would definitely want to be in school if he saw this. Her? Especially if it's a girl would he be here...

You know if he wasn't dead.

"Just trust in the old saying. When alone and depressed bottle up your emotions and focus on work till you have a meltdown. I believe that might be true for Karasuma. Ha" I hear a womans laugh besides my own. Damn did I speak my thoughts out loud again. I really need to stop this or I'll be dragged into social interactions that I can't handle, but probably secretly crave due to cutting myself off from people after a trama. Stop analysing your sel...

"So true janitor." Did she cut off my thou...

"Karasuma having a meltdown would be intresting to watch." She did it again.

Ms Jelavić continued to talk "and with the way the assassination has been going we might be here long enough to see it." "Indeed."

"So..." she narrows her eyes at me. "Yes?"

"What's your skill set in assassination?" I respond to her response with "I just clean."

"You might not be my target janitor, but I'll figure you out soon enough." So this is how we'll interact now? Hmm ok. "I may be around these gifted people, but I'm not. I have always gotten dragged into things that have nothing to do with me and end up being surrounded by the most amazing people. At the end of the day ma'am I'm just the one who cleans up. If you want to know intresting people look at these kids." Dang did I just monologue to this lady. Stupid you have no class jani-Daniel. I remember my name don't judge me, myself.

I need help.

I look over to her and she's gone. Guess that's normal? I guess I'll head out.

Stealthy little time skip

More gun fire then usual today. A lot of gun fire. This machine is definitely a killer. So many bebes. So much cleaning.

"Good day sir. See you tomorrow." I say as the octopus passes me. "It will certainly be an intresting tomorrow. Say Mr Janitor have you noticed any objects dissapearing lately?" "Nothing is missing from what I've seen. All equipment in place. Why?"

"Oh no reason." He's making a face. Not a different smile, but a face. "Is there anything you want me to put out for tomorrow?" "Not that I can think of my good sir." Again another teacher vanishes.

Walking into the class room I saw the floor."Shit"

Oh crap a little time skip

I'm late oh well. Not much to do today anyway until it turns on. The students are here and the box is taped. I wonder why. "Mr Janitor!" Oh the octopus.

"I have a favor to ask. Would sit in on class today? Our new student is a bit rowdy and I would like to have the bebe's cleaned up so no one slips." Why not "Ok sure, but if I start babbling in the corner just remind me I'm doing it."


I grab a chair and drag it to the back. Hearing the machine wirl as it powers up. It struggles against the tape to release something.

"Korosensie I can not take out my guns in these restraints. I must ask that you remove them."

"Hmm I don't know if that's a good Idea."

"Are you the agency responsible sir? These restraints are tantalum to harm. Clearly you are in direct violation of your agreement not to-"

"Shut up." Ryoma throws some duck tape at the machine. Oh damn boy whats gonna happen now? Watchu thinks gon happen. You know what no I can't pull off that voice even in my own head.

"It was me." Oh he's still talking. "Nothing says I can't give you a hard time. Especially if you're going to be a pain in the ass and shoot up the place every 2 seconds." True. Sosuke cut in "Why bother trying to explain it to a machine? She can't understand." Well um that is not the nicest. Sumire adds "It's nothing personal. We'll free you after class is over." Then Tomohito "You brought this on yourself. I mean we're trying to learn here too. Give you a core programming arrest."

This is now awkward. "So um should I leave? Not that I don't want to soak up the knowledge, but this isn't in my job description. I mean a lot that's been going on lately is not in my job description. You know what I'm just going to go. Bye kids and autonomous intelligence fixed artillery girl."

Awkwardly exiting little time skip

Korosensie pov

What a joy it is to help my new student. I best be weary now that she's upgraded.

Walking out the building Korosensie hears a noise on the roof.

"Oh for Clockwork's sake! Why did the lens have to crack tonight." The voice cryed out.

As stealthily as he in his Korosensie-yness could, he peeked up to see who was on the roof. To his surprise he saw mr. Janitor with a broken telescope.

"Of course you break during a meteor shower. Why wouldn't you? Curse the Fenton luck." Mr. Janitor sighed "at least I still got the view."

Right then due to the weight and pressure Korosensie broke the gutter.

"Oh dear" in a flash the janitor grabbed one of the tentacles and held up the creatures giant weight for a second. Only to immediately drop it upon seeing Korosensie.

"Ow!" Mr. Janitor is rude to drop me and immediately starts saying "ew ew ew ew. Oh god I've gotta wash my hands ew." I jump up only see him slide off the roof on the other side. I follow him.

"Dude why were you spying on me?"

"I wasn't I swear. I was just seeing who was on the roof!" Cartoon sweat marks appear on my face.

"Ya well... Just tell me when you're there next time. Also watching someone who doesn't know you're there is creepy."

Horrified I respond "Creepy?"

"Ya creepy." "Well if I'm creepy then you kinda are too. Why were you on the roof anyway!" I accuse. Yes I must turn the conversation onto him. The offended look on mr. Janitor's face melts into an awkward awareness.

"I was watch the meteor shower and stars. Like I do most nights." Oh so mr. Janitor's character thickens. Soon I will solve the person he is. Time for the perfect response.

"May I join you?" Now he is caught off guard. I shall gain his friendship. Then I will have a colleague that doesn't hate me! Hurray

"Um okay, but not everynight this is kind of my me time. I'm gonna go wash my hand and then I'll meet you up there."

I nod with my most neutral face. Yes I am just as cool as you. Soon perhaps the students will see it to once I learn your ways.

I wonder how he got on the roof? Hmm and the plot thickens.

Looking around Korosensie see's a ladder.

Shooting little star time skip

Danny's pov

Now this thing would make Tucker faint. No worries from me I guess. Just keep sweeping.

Crap the octopus approaches. I've got to be even more cautious with him now. Once again avoidance will be my biggest weapon here...

And silence...

And sarcasm...

And everything else I can do.

Just put your headphones on and sweep.

The next day little time skip

Bb's, octopus sheddings, and now flower petals what type of zoo am I cleaning?

Hey readers *nervously sweating* how have you been? I have failed you in updating regularly. Please don't go. The story isn't over.

I am thankful for you guys being so patient with me.

Also sorry if the Korosensie part got confusing. He is not thinking in the third person. Those are just what's going on. I realised that might have been a bit confusing😓

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