Day 1: Afternoon (by a few minutes)

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Danny pov-

Seriously is punching the national greeting.

"So dibshit I take it you're back for the wedding?"

"Yeah. Dani asked me to walk her down the isle. Of course I accepted immediately. She also asked me to patrol while she's busy wedding planning and as a good parental person I said yes."

"She used her puppy dog eyes?"

"Yes. How did they get so powerful? Makes me wonder if it's a ghost thing or just a Danielle thing."

"Trust me that is one hundred percent your daughter's thing."

Wow it's so weird to hear that from someone else's mouth. My daughter. I haven't really been a parent though. She had to grow up without me...

Without anyone. I knew her condition the last time we met wasn't great, but after the cure was it really all that much better? She was alone. She seemed like such a free spirit. I didn't want to drag her down. She found her way, but once I was gone who protected her from Vlad? He could have hurt her. She's strong though. She can protect herself.

"Hey Babypop you there?" Ember's waving a hand in front of my face.

"Is she really okay Ember?"

Ember seems confused until stuff started to click in her mind.

"She is now. When you left the ghosts ran wild here. Your had parents built some kind of shield around the city. So while we wanted out of the zone and into the land of the living. We only got Amity. So we went crazy with the piece of your world we got. We thought you faded when your family died and some ghosts wanted to respect your memory by keeping peace up here, but others wanted to celebrate your disappearance by destroying everything. Eventually the chaos was to much. That's when Dani with an I showed up. She picked up where you left off. Slowly, but surely she and Red brought a bit balance back. Not as effectively as you, but it happened."

Ember paused. Tears having left my eyes with a slightly green tint. Something changed in Ember's stance. She focused less on the story and more on me.

"When was the last time you used your core to it's full extent?" She asked in a very serious almost pissed off voice.

"Ten years." I respond green tears still leaking from my eyes.

"When was the last time you acted on your obsession?"

"Ten years"

"Hey dibshit fight me!"

Where did that come from? I thought Ember and I were good now.

"I'm not going to fight you Ember."

A fire wips past me just missing my head.


"Fight me twerp."

"First of all I am not a twerp anymore and second of all where's this aggression coming from?"

I turned round to see the burning tree and of course some innocent bystander with a phone out recording everything. Damn my generation. Suddenly instinct kicked in and my ghostly form shot through the air pushing the blonde woman away. My head snaps toward the tree eyes flash blue as it was frozen over now.

"My apologies citizen. Wait Star? I mean random citizen you shouldn't stick around a ghost fight." I couldn't help it "Wouldn't want you to be extra crispy."

"Paulina is going to freak. Your really back!" I start to scratch the back of my neck and blush as Star held on to my arm "Yes. I mean for now. I mean-"

I feel heat before turning and Blocking Ember's next attack. "You've lost your touch Babypop!" Grrr I'll show her.

I didn't want to write an entire fight scene even though I could have little time skip

Breathlessly Ember and I sat back to back after that epic and extremely detailed fight. Only a bit of the park was destroyed, frozen, and on fire. Here come the fire trucks.


"We should get out of here." "Agreed."
We took off over the town. I recognize a few faces human and ghost, but not fighting. "Why do I feel so good after a fight?"

Ember gives me an are you really this dumb face "because you needed to release you're power. No ghost can hold themselves back for ten years and be OK. When you told me I thought you might explode. I mean ten years that's not healthy idiot." It did feel good to protect a person and not a lawnmower. It felt good to use my powers all out again.

We landed and started walking until we reached a statue. It was of my family, Mr. Lancer, Tucker, Sam, and...


This is why I can't go all out. My powers need to be kept in check, because I can't become him. He won't exist, but the old me doesn't really exist anymore either. "Who am I now?"

"Well to me you seem a little different, but you're still the same guy who cleans up everyone's messes. Given that you were often a part in making them too." "Ha how ironic."

"Maybe, but everything had a sense of order until you left. Why don't you turn around kid?" "I'm not a kid anymore." I turned anyway. The sun was setting over Amity and the town was still standing. Defying everything that was thrown at it.

"Amity Park a nice place to live. Ha who woulda thought that?"

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