Snap crackle and pop

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Danny pov-

I know I've done stuff that I'm not proud of. I will confess all my sins. No joke. I guess the old saying is true...

Karma's a bitch.

I don't know the kids personally, but I don't want to clean up any more blood. I had to clean up and fix that damn desk he broke. Might as well make me the wood shop teacher right? Nope I'm still just the janitor.

I just hope the kids has cooled down since he was here last. Maybe with all the hard work I've done I'll get some good karma.

Ha pun intended. I have not lost my touch. Self-five!

Oh crap I'm in public. Some of the students are starring. Just look at the ground and mop. No you aren't crazy even though you're talking to yourself

In your mind

Blanking on what's going on around you.

That is not a sign of insanity

Why do you even care

They're just kids

Even if your a role model for them

You're the janitor anyways. You're what they don't want to end up as.

You should find a person to talk to and stop referring to yourself as you. What were you thinking about? Damn it!

Just keep mopping. Yep nothing to see here. I should get a psychiatrist.

I suddenly feel a tapping on my shoulder. It was one of the normal teachers.

"Yes? What is-" I started, but was shortly cut off by his annoying voice. "Your are frightening the children sir. Please take yourself and your mop to a different part of this school." "Of course mr?" "It is doctor to you."

Oh I may be crazy, but this rude ass is going down. I just wanted to know his name. I have put up with this for to long. I have finally snapped "Alright Dr who. I'm sure your degree makes it ok to not wear your wedding ring at work. Yes that much is obvious from the mark on your finger and the bags under your eye are not in your favor. How about I have a chat with your wife and ask about your sex life. I know from office party's that the pregnant coworker you were talking with in the bathroom was not your wife. Your wife is a nice lady. You should respect her or at least be honest. You just got sherlocked and with a doctor who reference. Geronimo mother fucker."

He looks terrified. The students look terrified. Wtf did I just say. I should leave. Like now.

Time skip

I enter the principal's office. Most terrifying person I know to this day. He had total control. The day I first met him. He told me I should keep my head down and do the job I've been given. Sounds like a 'or else' was silently added. I've fought the pairah dark and this guy scares me.

He jesters for me to sit down. "Do you know why your here?" Right now I only have a few options and I will stick to them yes, no, I don't know, or maybe. "Yes" I try not to sound panicked. Which I am surprisingly calm.

"Then you know also that I can't fire you due to the project concerning class 3E." Statement not a question. Don't answer. "I can't fully get rid of you so I will send you where people who don't belong on the main campus  belong. You will take permanent resident as the janitor / what ever else they need up in class 3E. Luckily your pay will not decrease. On your original files you labeled yourself as a jack of all trades. I expect you to live up to that in 3E. I don't expect to see you on the main campus anytime soon." "Yes"

I leave. I don't need to tell him to get a cat. He has a son already.

I head down the stairs to the janitor closet where I keep all my stuff.

This is just great. The sarcasm is real.

To be completely honest I hadn't planned for this one to be posted so soon, but I am half asleep and I wrote it. I will keep writing this story.

Thanks for all the support since this is my first story.

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