Day 1: Evening

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Danny pov-

"Oh shit! Dani wanted me to pick up the band equipment for the wedding."

"No sweat Dibshit. I'll call Johnny to bring it over." Ember replied. "Are you an angel?" "Ew no!" I hug her "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Ember pushes me off with an exaggerated look of discuss "Stop it. This is for Dani with an I not her weird dad. Speaking of which you better get ready Daddy Phantom night time is when the wild ones really like to play."

Ember's pov-

Danny's eyes seem expand with excitement. I know he hasn't done a lot of fighting for a while, but he seems a little to excited.

"Puns!" He cackled. Oh shit that's why. I shouldn't have made a pun. This is going to be a long night.

Preparing little time skip

I turn my phone off and put it away as we enter the town. I don't need any noise interference. Especially by people who keep there phones on during a performance.

First encounter: Box Ghost

He was covering a street with bubble wrap and yelling beware. Danny and I agree it would have been really fun except for the neighborhood around us trying to sleep. We made quick work of the box ghost and a speed run of rolling up all the bubble wrap as quietly as possible. Well mostly it quiet.

Second encounter: Klemper

Friendly as usual, but tried to freeze us so we wouldn't leave him. I melted the ice and Danny pulled a trick of making an icy mirror. That Klemper asked to be friends with. He only realised it was a mirror while being pulled into that damn thermos.

Third encounter: Princess Dorathea

The princess had lost her necklace. It took a while until we heard the roar. We found a young dragon crying. Danny did his best to communicate with it, but it just thought Danny was one of it's action figures. Unsurprising considering how the town made a profit off his name. I got the kid to release him and Danny pulled the amulet off it. The dragon shrunk into a little boy. He had seen a shiny thing outside his window and snuck out. On his way back he tripped and scraped his knee activating the amulet. Danny helped him get back home while I returned the necklace to Dorathea.

Forth encounter: Johnny and Kitty

They caught sight of us and pulled over to greet us. Johnny gave Danny a pat on the back mentioning one of their past battles. Kitty greeted him with a hug. Only to have Johnny pull her back to the bike and punch Danny. Danny mutters something about punching being the new formal way of greeting in the US. Kitty giggles about Johnny being jealous and asks Danny what his love life has been like only to get the retort of "What love life?" Kitty gives him a sympathetic look and Johnny tells him that he'll find his perfect chick someday. Then back tracks after Kitty nudges him to add "or dude" after some awkward conversation and some finger guns. The couple ride off with their trailer full of my equipment.

Fifth encounter: Box Ghost... again

How he always gets out I'll never know. I've thought about asking him, but I don't want to interact with him any longer than I have to. We don't catch him this time, but as he flies off he does get a couple ectoblasts in the back. Yelling BEwARe!

Sixth encounter: Paulina

A girl from Danny's life in highschool seems to be back to haunt him. Damn I'm being infected by his humor after only one day back. We only lose her once we go invisible.

Seventh encounter: Vultures

Plasmius's vultures are hanging around. Which sucks, because now Plasmius is sure to find out that Danny is back in town. Another annoying menace that slips out of range of the thermos.

Eighth encounter: Technus

Annoying little geek, but still powerful. Normally it takes a couple of us to handle Technus's schemes. Danny however being out of practice took him down so fast that I am reminded how many ghosts fear his power.

Ninth encounter: Under Growth

It's late we're both a bit tired. Danny's human half seems to require more sleep than we ghosts do. However one of the larger threatening ghosts appears like a Pokemon. I believe his name is Under Growth which really is a bad name. This one definitely requires backup, but as I reach for my phone Danny handles it and I am reminded that he's the one who defeated Pariah Dark. No matter how out of practice he is. The phantom is always a powerful foe. His powers seem to have only grown and I'm glad I'm on his side. Looking at the beaten plant ghost.

We're done for the night. Going our separate ways. I wonder if he'll stay this time.

Oh look two chapters. Not to bad if I say so myself. (Kicking a pile of unfinished important papers behind me.) Procrastinating is great for work ethic.

Trying to think of a new pun... Lawn mowers!

Someone in the Danny phantom fandom really can't leave and the phandom really can't die because we can only do things half-assed...


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