Day 1: Noon

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Ember pov-

"Ember you will remember! Ember!"

Not a new song, but a classic. One of my best. I don't even need to hypnotize these humans any more. They love me.

They finally Love Me.


"What the hell was that?" Looking around the humans didn't seem to feel the immense power that was just released. They seemed deaf to the Shockwave that surrounded them, but the ghosts in the crowd felt it. The majority of ghosts bolted from the area. Leaving the humans baffled as to why. Ember how ever was not one to back down from a fight. Over the years she finally had gained a sturdy place for herself in the land of the living. She wasn't about to lose that. Besides the energy felt familiar. It was familiar in a way that made her fingers twitch and want to turn her guitar into something more lethal.

The bolt bursting out of the city seemed familiar. What was stranger was that it was whistling her song until it crashed of course.

"Ow that's gonna leave a mark. I am so out of practice " Oh shit! "Baby pop is that you?"

"Hi Ember." He looks different. Maybe a little older, maybe a little scruffier, and maybe it was the fact that all the hope she'd always seen in his eyes wasn't there anymore. They were haunting.

Well he is a ghost and he still has determination in his eyes. At least he's not empty. To many ghosts are empty and he's still partially alive. So at least half of him shouldn't be. Preferably all of him shouldn't be empty.

"They did it. Dani finally fucking tracked you down." "Well I tried to change my name to Waldo, but the stripes didn't suit me at all." This kid is an idiot...

I'm gonna punch him.

"OW Was I out of America so long that punching people became the national greeting. Honestly I would believe it. With our reputation, but really? I mean bleed red, white, and blue all you want. You know I haven't had a purely American meal in so long you'd think I'd be healthier, but-"

I'm gonna punch him again.



I'm sorry for the wait, but look I was going to add more to this one. Then I thought better of it, because it's the 4th and I'm American.


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