Valentine's day (yep that's a good excuse)

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Danny's pov-

The night is lit by the broken moon and an unnatural blue light emulating from my own irises.

At first it all seemed the same. The sign at the edge of town with it's chipped paint. The only sound is the creak and groan it made as it rocked in the strong wind.

My hair being swept away from my eyes and everything was more real. No sunglasses to hide behind tonight. Just a chill set on my face and into my bones for more than one reason.

An old brown fabric suitcase firm in my grip. My feet start moving forward before I'm ready.

This town is where I was born, lived, died, continued to live, rise as a hero, fallen to myself, lost it all, left, and now return to. I am here for my daughter. I am here for her. I would give anything for my family.










My family...

Just in time too. There's still two days till the wedding. That means three days in Amity.

Deep breath in.

Let it out.

Deep breath in.

Let it out.

The town is quiet or at least to the unenhanced ear it probably is.

I almost walked right passed my home. What kind of person am I to miss it. Maybe I'm a bit desensitized to the giant metal structure of the roof, or probably because the sign isn't flashing on.

I try my key to get in and it isn't working. Maybe this one will... no. How about this one! Nope. Okay so this one. Dang it! Why does being a janitor automatically force me to have a hundred keys to many. Alright if this next one doesn't work I'm just going to phase through the door.
"Damn it!" I hit the door with a resounding noise that shook the house. Yet the door stood silent as it mocked me. Of course my parents reinforced everything with ectoplasm.

Okay. It's okay. Nothing to worry about. Get ready door I don't even need ghost powers to take you down door. Why cause I'm a Fenton. We don't give up and always eat fudge.

Tedious little time skip

Alright key number 93 let's see if you're right. Wait when did the door open. Standing in the doorway is an African american woman she's tall, her hair is a mess, wearing a crop top, and pj pants, while sleep still clouds her eyes. Not a note of recognition appears in them.

"Listen you drunk maniac. Stop banging on my door or I swear I will harm you in ways you can't even imagine. Why you may ask? Because some people like to sleep in past 3 in the morning." She growls out not even bothering to look at me.

"Hi Val. Long time no see."

Oh no

I must be really bad at reunions. That's probably Vlad's fault. I mean first with Dani, but now as soon as the words pass my lips and Valerie recognizes me she punches me directly in the face and I am knocked out cold.

I blame Vlad.





Hi guys. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm ehhh... Happy Valentine's Day! Here's my small gift.

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