Chapter 7

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5 days later

"I still wanna meet him but I think you should live your life, Iva." Vie advised me. I was telling her how I blocked Jovan because he was distracting me from my priorities.

"I'm just scared. What if I put my trust in him and he lets me down, like Don?" I folded Mini's clothes and pt them in her drawer.

"No one's perfect. I don't think he would ever purposely hurt you. Just by what you're telling me." She shrugged. She was right but I didn't want to believe it. I'd rather to just be left alone then bothered by someone who is gonna cause more harm than good.

It was getting too hard to hold in my feelings. I had to admit that I liked him. Aside from obvious reasons, he was caring, thoughtful, smart as fuck, and good with children.

"What do you think Mini wants for her birthday?" She asked as she hung her clothes in her closet.

"Definitely barbies and those bum ass LOL dolls." I laughed. She has been begging me for those toys and I told her she had to wait until her birthday that was now 2 weeks away.

"Do you think she'll want a new dad? Or maybe a new nigga for you?." Vie's crazy ass asked me. Mini and I shared a birthday but I never really celebrated it when Amina was born.

"Vie, you're wild." I shook my head and tried to hold in my laugh. As if on cue, Mini came running in her room.

"Mommy, someone is knocking on the door." She panted. This girl is always running up and down.  I was confused because ain't nobody come to visit us.

"Stay here, babes." I got up and peeped through the door to see who it was. I sighed heavily and slowly opened the door.



"You can't answer your phone?" He towered over me.

"I blocked you." I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"Now why'd you do that?"  He took a step towards me.

"You were distracting me from my priorities." I reasoned.

"Or are you to afraid to live?" He asked and I was upset he was right. I was trying to think of what to say but Mini came to save me.

"Jovan!" She ran to him and hugged his leg. Damn. This girl barely remembers my name.

"Wassup lil girl?" He picked her up.

"Are you taking us to get ice cream again?" Bruh.

"Nah, not today." He smiled small.

"Why not?" I instigated. He gave me a look and I had to laugh.

"I guess we're gonna get some ice cream." He sash ayed out the door.

"Vie, we gonna go get ice cream!" I yelled out before closing to door.

We drove to Cold Stone today because they were open. I got a chocolate sprinkled ice cream in a cone and Mini copied me. Jovan got a big ass cone and vanilla ice cream.

Once we finished our ice cream, we made it back to the car and Mini was knocked out as usual.

"When are you going to give up?" I asked him.

"Never." He smirked. I sighed and sat back in my seat. I looked back one last time at Mini to make sure she was good. I reclined the seat back. I felt like I slept for hours. I hadn't had a good nap for a long time. Somebody always had to mess it up.

I jumped up out of my seat, not remembering where I was. My first thoughts was where Mini was and if she was okay.

"Relax, Iva." Jovan held my thigh as I looked around my surroundings. We were outside of my apartment and the sun was about to go down. Mini was still alseep. I caught my breath as I sat back in my seat.

"You good?" He rubbed my thigh and I didn't mind. I nodded my head.

"Let's talk." He suggested.

"About what?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why you don't want to commit to me." He smiled and I took a deep breath. Here we were to this uncomfortable conversation again.

"It's not that I don't. I just don't know if you're being for real. If you really want to date me or if you just want sex and mess up my life."

"Iva, I told you. I don't want to have sex with you. I'm not gonna mess up your life. I'm gonna marry you one day." He sat back in his seat. This nigga is so bold.

"Yeah aight." I waved him off and he turned my face to him.

"I'm serious." He clenched his jaw and looked into my eyes. The eye contact sent shivers down my spine. I looked in his eyes that were honest and angelic. He wasn't lying to me.

"Okay." I said quietly. "I'm gonna get Mini and we're going to go inside.

"See you Monday?" He asked and I nodded. I looked at him and admired his side profile. Looking fine as hell.

I gently grabbed his face and kissed him. His lips were soft. I loved the way he made me feel. He tried to pull away but I didn't want this moment to end. We kissed for a few more moments. I pulled away as he bit my bottom lip. I forgot Mini was here and thank God she was asleep.

I smirked and took Mini out her car seat and made my way up to my apartment. Today was a good ass day.

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