Chapter 11

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"You rolling with us?" One of the niggas asked me. They were skipping school to go sell drugs. I contemplated it for a moment. I wanted to but I didn't wanna be home late and get in some shit with Jovan.

"Nah, I'll catch y'all later, though." I dapped him up and went to my first period. I hated this teacher. She was rude and picked on me for not reason. She's like that to all the black kids in her class.

She teaches world history and that shit is easy but she makes it so hard. She makes me not want to learn. As the bell rang I took a seat in the back.

"Byron, how about you sit right here." She pointed to the desk in the front. I rolled my eyes and sluggishly walked over there.

I started drawing on my arm because this class was so boring. I drew straight and curvy lines with my pen.

"Byron, do you know the answer?" Shit.

"Can you repeat the question please?" I set my pen down.

"Start paying attention." She tapped my desk.

"Ask me again. I know the answer." I sat up in my seat.

"When did the Revolutionary war start and end? What was the cause of it and the effect?" She crossed her arms.

"The Revolutionary War started April 19th, 1775 and ended September 3, 1783. It all started because The British wanted more control and America wasn't having it. One of the events that caused the Revolutionary war was The Boston Tea Party. After defeating Britain, America gained a lot of independence and became a democracy." I said all from memory. She looked at me as if she thought I was dumb and I just proved her wrong. But, she sees my test scores. She just a racist ass bitch.

Soon enough, the bell rang and I could get the fuck up out of this class. I sluggishly walked to math class. I had to see Ms. Bullard and I wasn't looking forward to it.

She was talking about my life as if she knows me outside of school. She sees me for 45 minutes each day and still doesn't know me. Who the fuck is she to tell me what to do with my life?

I walked up to her classroom and locked eyes with her as she held the door open.

"Good morning, Byron." She greeted me as if she wasn't on my ass last night. I nodded to her in acknowledgement that I heard her. I sat towards the back and slumped in my seat. This precalculus and trigonometry shit was easy.

For once, she wasn't picking on me. I guess she felt bad for being on my ass yesterday. I just kept quiet and watched her do problems on the board. I daydreamed in her class because it was so dull and tedious.

After what seemed like forever, the bell rang and I got my things together to leave.

"Byron, please stay after class." What the fuck did I do now?

Before getting upset, I tried to remember what Jovan and I talked about last night. He told me to control my anger and shit even though I don't care to. I watched as everyone else left and I leaned on a desk, waiting for her to speak.

"I apologize for last night. It was not my place to speak as if I know what your life is like. I don't have control over you or your decisions and I won't judge you." Damn. That sounded sincere.

"Okay." Was the only thing I could say.

"Can I just ask you, if you were to go to college what would you study?" Still on this college shit.

"Honestly, probably a doctor." I shrugged and she looked at me surprised.

"Why is that?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't know. Biology is easy as fu- and I wouldn't mind doing it as a job."

"Okay. Well, get to class." She smiled. I nodded and left. Why she being so nice now?

She was just judging me less than 24 hours ago. I didn't have any reason to trust her. We never spoke. She always looked at me as one of the children who refuse to learn. So why now?

Because my brother is dating her sister? And so what? She could still fail me.

I was wishing I had went with them niggas because I could've avoided this pity conversation.

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