Chapter 12

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"Jovan, be patient with your brother. He is still young." Mama advised me.

"Mama, what do you mean?" I asked and she smiled small.

"Your brother is lost. He needs guidance. He needs a hug. He might make some mistakes but he means well. Be patient." She rubbed my face and tears came down it.

"I don't understand, Mama. Just come back so you can fix it. Come back." I begged her.

"Byron needs you." She disappeared out of my arms.

I jumped up out of my bed to the sound of my alarm. I felt real tears on my face and quickly wiped them. I missed my parents. Especially, today.

Today is their death anniversary. Every year, it's like a lost them all over again. But, I was more upset that I had a dream of my mama.

What did she mean? It was making me upset with Byron because he shouldn't be in shit to be making mistakes.

I walked downstairs to see Byron lighting a candle. We do this every year for them.

"Wassup." I nodded at him and opened the fridge. We never said anything about our parents but we knew how we felt about it.

"Nothing." He shrugged.

"Can I ask you something?" I got right to the point. If he is still hanging around these drug dealers, it'll be a problem.


"Are you still around them drug dealers?" I asked solemnly.

"Fuck no." He didn't look at me.

"Byron, don't lie to me." I warned him.

"Nigga, why do you think I'm lying? Today of all days, you decide to be on your bullshit." He walked out and slammed the door. I sighed heavily and got ready for work.

Maybe I was just on edge about the dream that probably meant nothing. Deep down I know that's a lie.

Mama needed to be here. She wasn't supposed to be gone. She could've handled this better than anyone. She was always such a patient person.

Walking into the grocery store, this was probably the last few days I'd need to be in here. I was not in a good mood for anyone or anything. I went to the back to out my things down and of course Iva was there.

"Hey, Iva." I said in a low tone.

"Hey, babe. How are you?" She hugged me.

"I'm good." I lied again.

"Damn, I'm doing good. Thanks for asking." She smiled. She let go of me and went back to sit down.

"You seem so annoyed." She told me.

"I don't give a fuck." I didn't mean to be rude but today was not the day. She looked at me sideways then got up and left.

I really didn't care who was mad at me today. I'm mad at the world. I'm mad at everyone. My parents were taken from me without warning. 

Iva came back in and I think she was talking to me but I wasn't listening. There was too many thoughts running in my head to focus on anything else.

"Hello? Nigga, are you just not going to listen to me today?" She aggressively tapped my shoulder.

"Iva, please just leave me alone." I took a deep breath. It's not that I was mad at her but I was trying not to take my anger out on her. And I was almost definitely not going to tell her that it was my parents' death anniversary.

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