Chapter 13

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"Where is Jovan?! I'm not talking anybody else until he's here!" I exclaimed. There was a doctor and 2 police in my room. I wish they'd leave me the fuck alone.

"Byron, we just want to ask you a few questions regarding last night." The white lady police said. She had blonde hair and she looked like she's been up all night.

"I don't give a fuck. Did you not just hear what I said? If Jovan is not here I won't talk to you hoes!" I was upset before I even woke up completely. They all just continued to stare at me.

"Can I have my fucking face back?" I asked rhetorically and they all looked away. As if on cue, Jovan and Iva came in.

"Byron, you good?" Jovan asked me.

"Fuck no. Get them out."

"Can y'all give us a second please?" He asked kindly and they left.

"After they're gone, we're gonna have a talk." He informed me as if I cared. "Stop stressing yourself out because it's not helping. Take a deep breath." I did as instructed.

"Byron, did you commit a crime?" Iva questioned and I looked at her as if she was stupid.

"No, nigga. I didn't do shit. I was a fucking bystander."

"Be nice." Jovan reminded. I just stayed quiet. My mouth was reckless.

"They're gonna come back in now, okay? We have to leave and you give your statement and tell the story. Do not incriminate yourself, my nigga." Jovan was talking to me like a little child. He does that everytime I get upset.

They left and the police came back in. The one with thinning hair sat on the left side of me and the lady sat next to him. They looked like they wanted me in prison.

"So, what happened from beginning to end? Don't leave anything out." The man told me. His badge read "Rodgers"

"So, after school these nig- these guys told me to roll with them because they were gonna run some errands. We left the school but came back and I didn't know what they were doing. They came back with the school computers and I think they were gonna sell them. But, then these other guys drove by and shot the car and obviously me. I thnk no one else got shot but they all left me to die." My fists were clenched.

"Did you know their names? The ones that were with you."

"I ain't a snitch." I shrugged.

"Look, snitches are people who rat out people in gangs. Including, if you're in the gang too. Are you telling me you're in a gang?" Where the fuck did he get that from? He pulled that out of his dirty ass.

"Huh? No, I'm not in a gang. The fuck?" I was starting to lose my temper.

"Then give us names." He said seriously.

"Do you think I'm slow? I'll give you the names, you'll lock them up for 5 years and then when they come out the first person they will kill is me. Y'all will do nothing about it because you don't care. You just want black people in jail." I scoffed.

"We can make it seem anonymous or they slipped up doing something else. We know they're drug dealers and gang members." The lady chimed in.

"If I tell y'all, will y'all leave me the fuck alone?" I asked and they nodded.

"Wes, Tre, and Ian. Now get the fuck out." I pointed to the door.

"Thank you for your time, Byron." The lady said.

"Thank you for wasting it." I smiled sarcastically. Fucking pigs.

Jovan walked back in and I had to tell him the story all over again. He didn't seem too happy with me.

"Why'd you go with them?"

"You thought I was doing that shit so I decided to actually do it. So at least I could own up to it." I shrugged. "Like, on all days, you decided to fight with me the day we lost Mama and Pops."

"Byron, I'm really sorry."

"I don't want your fucking apology! You're the reason I was shot!"

"Byron, you make your own decisons! I didn't tell you to go do that. I suspected it, yeah. But, I didn't tell you to go do it. That's not on me, bruh." He couldn't be serious.

"Just get the fuck out." I waved him off. I'm laying here in a hospital bed and he's telling me it's not his fault. Fuck him.

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