Chapter 27

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Shania💀🖕🏿: hey ugly can u come get me?

Me: and take u where?

Shania💀🖕🏿: wherever u r I just don't wanna be home

Me: I'll ask my brother

I closed out the thread. Shania and I have a talked a little more after a few days. She was still very aggressive but she was softening up.

Shania was goofy as hell. She was just extra rude sometimes. I don't understand why. We'll be having a good time and she'll shut down.

Whatever goes on outside of school with her is definitely killing her slowly.

"Yo, brother." I walked downstairs to actually see Jovan on the couch. Most of the time we were both at Iva's spot.

"Wassup, Byron." He looked up from his phone.

"Can I go pick up Shania. She wants to hang out."

"I was gonna take you somewhere. To get something for your birthday."

I really forgot about my birthday. I was going to be 18 tomorrow and I had mixed emotions.

I was gonna me grown and Jovan could finally tell me nothing. Even though, I know that's not how it's gonna be. I was excited to go to college and be on my own. At first, I wasn't as excited to be on my own. It seemed like it would be lonely, considering I had no friends. But now, I have Shania. Sometimes, it seems like she doesn't want anything to do with me but I can tell she doesn't know how to express her feelings. I know she appreciates my help.

On the other hand, I wish my parents were here. I miss them so much and it hit harder this year. After all that happened to me. This all wouldn't haven't had happened if Mama was here. She wouldn't even tolerate it. Pops would be teaching all the shit I need to know. I wish they could just be here for my eighteenth year. Just for tomorrow. I wish they could see me graduate and become a doctor. That's all I want.

But, for my birthday, I want closure on my parents' death.

"Can she come with us?" I questioned.

"Damn, you like her or something?" He knitted his eyebrows and laughed.

"Nah I don't. It's platonic. Can she come with us, though?" She must've had a good reason to want to hang with me on a Saturday.

"Yeah, we can pick her up."

"Where we going, though?" I tried to hide my curiosity.

"You'll see. Bring your driver's license." He told me. Either he was buying me a car or her was buying me a car. I never walk with driver's license unless I was driving Jovan's car. Which is never.

Me: We coming to get u be ready 💩

Shania💀🖕🏿: ur weird

I laughed to myself as I read Shania's message.


"Ooh, you're gonna be able to drive me everywhere." Shania spoke. I just got my very first car. Jovan bought me a 2021 Mercedes-Benz CLA-Class.

It was nice as fuck and he let me pick it out.

"Jovan, you're my favorite person right now." I patted his shoulder.

"Thanks, I guess." He laughed.

"That's an honor. Be grateful." I joked.

"Seriously though, you gonna need a job." He reminded me that I had to pay for all the car shit monthly and the gas that he wouldn't be buying for me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna start looking tomorrow. I'll probably work at Home depot or some shit." I shrugged.

"I wanna work there too." Shania chimed in.

"I could see you getting mad at everybody in that damn store." I shook my head.

"Whatever." She smiled.

"Why you got this long ass hoodie on and shit? It's hot as hell." I grabbed her arm.

"Ow. Don't fucking touch me." She yanked her arm back.

"My apologies." I put my arms up. I didn't want her to get all defensive and shit.

I sat in my car and the interior was beautiful. It was leather and black.

"Yo, Byron let me talk to you for a moment." Jovan told me quietly. I left Shania in the passenger seat of my car.


"You need to talk to Shania." He expressed seriously.

"What do you mean?"

"She has bruises on her arms. I don't know how you didn't notice but she's constantly pulling down the sleeves to hide her arms. Talk to her." He explained.

"Alright. I'll try." I tried to gather my thoughts. I didn't want her to think Icm on her business or anything but I want her to be safe. Though I barely know her, no one should be getting bruises and staying silent about it.

I sat back in my car and backed out of the car dealership.

"Shania, can I talk to you real quick?" I spoke to her as I drove on the road cautiously.

"Uh, I guess. What is it?"

"The bruises on your arms. Are you okay? I'm not trying to be in your business or argue with you."

"No. My dad hits me. That's it." She sighed. She didn't even put up a fight with me or anything.

It hurt me to know that she was being abused and there was not much I could do about it. Shania is a caring person and she's not that person anymore because of her dad.

"Is there any way I could help you?" I went on to ask.

"No, yesterday after he beat me, he said he's not coming back. So, I'll be fine." She looked out the window.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." I expressed.

"I want to go home now." She spoke softly and I nodded. I took her home and made sure she got inside safely. She didn't deserve anything that was happening to her. I prayed for her and that she wouldn't be hurt anymore.

I invited her to my little birthday get together at Iva's house so she wouldn't be in the house all day. It was the least I could do.

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