Life isn't perfect.

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Shigaraki x reader.
TW- ANGST. Death. Bl00d.

Requested by- bagel_boiz

"Y/n wake up!" You heard your boyfriend say. You open your eyes and got up and ready.
You walked downstairs to see Toga fighting with Dabi. Shigaraki drinking coffee. Twice arguing with himself about which is better coffee or wine.

"Morning Y/n" Kuriogiri says passing you (f/d). You smiled and said thanks. Toga looked at you and waved. Dabi sat on the ground for a bit.

"I hate spring." Shigaraki states. "Why is that?" You asked. Shigaraki shrugged.

"I prefer winter." Shigaraki says. You rolled your eyes in a playful manner. "Your birthday is in April. April 4th correct." You said. He stared at you then played his D.S.
(Happy late birthday Shigaraki)

You smiled and hugged Shigaraki. He looked at you and layed his head on your shoulder. Toga watched in awe. While Dabi stared. Twice didn't say anything really.
"Playing animal crossing?" You asked. Shigaraki nodded. Toga then gets an idea. "HEY! Let's go to the park!" Toga says. You nodded. Dabi said no like always.
"Fine." Shigaraki says. You smiled and left with Toga and Shigaraki.

Toga skipped all the way while you watched and directed Shigaraki. Shigaraki almost fell into potholes twice.

Y'all reach the park. You and Shigaraki sat under a tree. Toga played in the tree. You swore she was a five year old in disguise.

Everything was perfect. Life was perfect.

Then...a scream. You and Shigaraki looked up to see a child yell for heros. Shigaraki stood up and took your hand with four fingers. Toga then fell out of the tree.
"Toga get up and run." Shigaraki says. She looked at him then at the park entrance. Heros.

Your eyes had fear in them. Your quirk activated summoning two demons. The heros took it as a fight.

It wasn't on purpose....

Shigaraki let's go of your hand and narrows his eyes.
Toga crawled backwards away from a hero with blonde hair. He had gauntlets and that resting bitch face.
You remembered some of there names. Blonde one Bakugo. Green hair one Deku. Red hair on Kirishima. Brown head girl Ururaka.

People started to evacuate the park. The demons attacked without command. Your eyes widen seeing Shigaraki get fighting Deku. This wasn't ment to happen. No...not today. The demons were busy attacking the other heros. You couldn't move. You were paralyzed.

You heard an explosion and moved your eyes to see Toga on the ground. She wasn't moving. You felt tears run down your face.

Then Shigaraki was thrown right pass you into the brick wall. You heard his cry of pain. Deku glared at Shigaraki. You then fell to your knees. The demons disappeared.
You crawled over to Shigaraki to see him bleeding from the head. His clothes in blood. You screamed as you held him.

"Life isn't Perfect...Y/n.."

*hours later*

You seen yourself in a room. Trapped. You seen the the door opened and...Deku. He walked over to you and holds up a locket. You knew the locket and your eyes locked onto it.
Deku opened the locket. It showed...

Shigaraki and you in the snow.
Toga in the background. Dabi drinking hot chocolate. Kuriogiri holding a coffee cup. Twice throwing a snowball at Toga.

"Why were you with the League." Deku questioned.

"Thats a place that treat you like family. Not a fucking outcast." You say glaring up at him. Deku looked at you.

"Shigaraki is dead." Deku says walking out.

You couldn't speak. Tears fell from your eyes.

"If I could do something...I would have..." you muttered.

'Life isn't Perfect.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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