when he tells you his feelings

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Umm this boy is a mess when it comes to feeling.

You were at lunch with the Deku squad! Ururaka and you never liked each other because you and Deku spend more time together. "You alright Deku?" You asked. Ururaka just glared at you. "O-oh yeah y-y/n, but can I talk to you in private?" He asked you. "Um sure." You said as you both left the cafeteria.

Ururaka followed y'all and hid behind a wall. "Y/n I-I really l-like you, will you b-be my g-girlfriend!" Deku stuttered in a blushing mess. Ururaka was angry and stomped away. "Of course Deku!" You say as you hugged him. He smiled and held your hand all the way back to the cafeteria.


He just gets to the point.

It was  Saturday night and you just came back from the arcade with Denki.
"I'm surprised that you made it over than 1,000 tickets." Denki joked. "I'm surprised that you can win at dance battle." You said to him. "I know right!"Denki said with his huge smile.

You soon get a text from Bakugo.

Bakubitch: Hey dumbass meet me at the park now.
Read 7:09pm
                                              You: why?
Bakubitch: just come!
                                            You: fine....

You shut off your phone and handed you prizes to Denki. "Hey where you going?" Denki asked. "Have to meet Bakubitch!" You yell as you ran. "Oh ok..." Denki said as he ran off.

You make it to the park and you see Bakugo. "What you want Bakubitch?" You say as you punch his shoulder. "Hey dumbass be my girlfriend." Bakugo said. You stared at him then laughed and nodded your head yes.


He asks your sister for help

"Hey Mina..." Todoroki asked. "Hm, Oh Todoroki what ya need?" Mina asked with a smile. "How do you ask out a girl..." Todoroki asks. "OMG!!! WHO DO YOU LIKE????"Mina squealed. "Y/n."Todoroki said. "Oh my! MY LITTLE SIS HAS SOMEONE CRUSHING ON HER!!!" Mina squealed again.

"Well Y/n likes (f/t) (favorite thing)." Mina said. Todoroki nodded and went to get (f/t). Momo was outside and overheard what happened. Her heart was shattered.

(Meanwhile with you)

You were hanging upside down off you bed almost. You soon heard a knock at your door. You fell off the bed andfu)  stumbled to the door. "Oh Todoroki." You smiled. "Hey y/n I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend?" Todoroki said as he handed you (f/t). You blushed as you held (f/t) in your hands. You smiled and said yes.

Kirishima 🗻⛰:

This poor baby doesn't no what to do but does something simply romantic.

You were being dragged in a blindfold around the UA by Kirishima. "Kiri?! Where are we going!?" You asked. "Just you wait." Kirishima said.

You heard a door open and talking that quiet down. You took off the blindfold and saw Kirishima having a promise ring in his hand. He was on one knee also. "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Kirishima said with a warm smile.
You smiled and nodded your head yes.
Kirishima smiled and hugged you.


Well let's just say that he gets extra flirty.

Today was the day Denki Karminari was going to ask the great Y/n to be his girlfriend.

He walked up to you and tapped your shoulder. "Hey guess what material my shirt is made out of..." Denki said. "Um cotton?" You say. "Boyfriend material!" He said with a stupid grin on his face. You laughed. "On a scale from 1-10 your a 9 and I'm the 1 you need." You snickered. He blushed and quickly though of another pick up line. "Are you lost ma'am because heaven is a long way away." He said as he gently took your hand.

"Ok so Y/n I have been meaning to ask you this for a while now, so will you be m-." He was cut off by you. " I would love to be your girlfriend." You said as you booped his nose and walked off.


This dude will become a little bit mature.....

You were sleeping on the couch when you felt someone sit next to you. You sat up and looked over. It was Shigaraki. He waved the a tint of blush appeared on his face.

"You need something?"You ask. He looked at you the he put his
hand in his pocket. He got up and said,
"Y/n I have liked you ever since I've met you, so will you be my girlfriend?"

You were shocked so you sat there. You then get up and hugged him. "Of course I will." You said with a happy smile.


This boi takes you somewhere special to him.

You were woken up at 5 in the morning. You seen Dabi staring at you. You jumped out bed. Dabi takes your hand and grabs a bag.

"Where are you taking me." You asked. "You will see!"Dabi said as excitement filled his voice. You fell asleep in the car on the way to where y'all going.

At ze Airport:

You were asleep on the whole plane ride. And you woke up when you got to Florida. Dabi took your hand and called an uber. Y'all get in the car and y'all stop a a gas station.

Dabi once again grabbed your hand and covered your eyes.

You soon heard loud noises of screams and cheers of enjoyment. Dabi uncovered you eyes and you see your at Disney! He looks at you with a smile. He took your hands and held them in his. He soon asks, "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"  You nodded and hugged him. You heard claps and cheers from the crowd of people.

They thought he purposed to you.

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