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Katsuki presents as an alpha and starts being even more of a dick and so when Izuku also presents as an alpha he puts him in his place.

-3rd person POV - 

It had been a couple weeks since Katsuki had presented and in turn he started being even more than a dick than usually, it started off as casual yelling and anger but then he started to mock people and izuku had just about had enough of it.


Katsuki and Izuku were in the training room sparing when izuku felt a wave of something take over him "shit you smell deku" Katsuki said plugging his nose with his fingers "jeeez i never thought you would be an alpha" he taunted "SHUT THE FUCK UP KATSUKI"  Izuku yelled at him, this shocked katsuki slightly "What are you gonna do nerd??" he said rolling his eyes

Suddenly he was pushed to the ground by izuku "deku, WHAT THE FUCK, get off of me" he yelled trying to get the newly presented alpha off him, but Izuku kept attacking him and then he kissed katsuki "D-deku what the fuck I'm an a-alpha" Katsuki (almost) whined, tears started to spill out of katsuki eyes as Izuku kept  flaring is feral alpha pheromones "i-izuku please" katsuki whined "I-i'm s-sorry sorry sorry s-sorry" but as much as he said he didn't, something inside of him did  he weakly tried to push izuku off him but it failed.

Atlas it had come to a stop katsuki was still in tears, izuku got up and pulled katsuki up after "don't tell" and izuku walked away leaving katsuki alone with his thoughts

-Time skip to the next day-

They had all just finished training for that day, but a-lot of people noticed how off Katsuki was and the fact that he hadn't yelled all day, not to mention how loose his uniform was becoming, but of corse no-one chose to say anything.

All the boys were getting showered and changed, Katsuki trying his hardest to cover his body, but izuku took one look at him and noticed something, Did katsuki get shorter? he seemed that he was on his tip toes to reach things from his locker that before hand he had easy access to and he also seemed...slimer? as if his muscle was starting to melt away.

A-lot of the boys noticed these slight changed in katsuki, but yet again chose to ignore it, but one green haired boy couldn't take his eyes off of him. 

"could he be?" Izuku questioned himself

-Class time-

In class izuku realised he could completely see over katsuki's head even when katsuki was up-straight or if he himself was slightly hunched over. He also realised that every so ofter katsuki would turn around and sneak a peak at izuku when he felt he wasn't looking and turned back with a slight blush of his face, but of corse Izuku saw and smirked at him slightly

-Later that night-

"Hey kirishima, have you seen kacchan?" Izuku asked the red-headed boy "oh yeah i think hes in his room" He answered "okay thanks" and with that izuku was off to Katsuki's room 

"Kacchan?" izuku knocked "kacchan please its me izuku" izuku knocked again, he went to knock again but the door flung open revealing a tear stained katsuki in a t-shirt that looked far to big for him Katsuki looked up in surprise

"Zuzu" he mumbled, izuku smiled at that, katsuki then took izuku's hand and with doing so izuku realised how small katsuki's hand was now in his and dragged him to his bed. Izuku took a look at his bed, usually everything would be all neat and organised, minimalistic you could say, but now it was draped in blankets, pillows and stuffed animals...

it looked just like a nest

Katsuki sat down first and Izuku followed suit "Omega" katsuki mumbled as he cuddled katsuki, katsuki then started crying "n-no i'm a-alpha" he said with an obvious unsure tone to his voice "Katsuki its okay, you can be real with me" Izuku said as he started peppering kisses on Katsuki's face and with that Katsuki started to giggle

This was the katsuki he missed, the katsuki who wasn't scared of having moments like this....

"Zuzu, i'm an omega now?" he questioned the green alpha in an innocent tone, tilting his head to the side "yes baby, you're an omega now" he said as he kissed katsuki on the lips "is that okay?" Izuku questioned.

Suddenly two arms swung round his neck "yes yes yes yes" Katsuki repeated, joy evident in his voice 

"I'm you're omega" Katsuki whispered 

"And I'm you're alpha" Izuku whispered back

-School the next day-

Izuku ended up staying the night in katsuki's room since the new omega didn't want to be alone without Izuku. They both got up and Katsuki had to yet again dress into his baggy uniform since this whole body changing thing was recent.

When he presented as an alpha he grew to around 5'9 and he weighed 155 pounds mainly in muscle mass, so he was a short for an alpha anyways, but since transforming into an omega he shrunk to around 5'4 and weighed around 133 pounds still keeping some of his muscle mass at the same time.

When izuku presented he also grew to a mighty 6'1 and weighed around 179 pounds, which was mainly muscle mass and it seemed he was still growing since he was still newly presented.

They both turned up at school and all eyes seemed to be on katsuki, not only because of his new stature but also because of the bite mark on his neck, he was mated.

When they walked into class, more questions were asked since yesterday he hadn't completely gone through with the transformation "it seemed bakugou was bitched" Someone said, Bakugou pouted but he new he was right, but he didn't give a shit because he was happy.

He had an alpha who loved him, and being an omega wasn't that bad, Katsuki hugged izuku

"I love you zuzu"

"I love you too Kacchan"

Hey guys, 

Do you like this, i was thinking of making one mainly in how katsuki felt when he first presented as an alpha and the switch from alpha to omega... what do you think??

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