Gone Soft

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So before we start bakugou was with the villains for 3 weeks instead and they had a lot more time to do certain things...that damaged him a lot.

3rd Person POV:

its been 2 weeks since Kamino and Bakugou is just getting out of the hospital, he didn't have any major outside injuries but inside he was broken, every time anyone would touch him he would flinch and he would be really scared to talk because he was scared he would say the wrong thing. 

The only person that has visited has been Midoriya since he was the most worried out off the class and the one who cared that much for Bakugou, at first he was shocked by Bakugou's behaviour but as the days came on he got used to it, and soon enough he was the only person that Bakugou seemed to fully trust.

Aizawa POV:

When I entered the hospital I was told about Bakugou's condition, but I wasn't fully prepared for the absolute toll it took on the poor boy, I made my way up to the room and entered and when I entered I saw Bakugou crying on the hospital bed, it broke my heart to see one off my students so hurt.

"Hey bakugou" I said making my way to the boy next to him, he looked at me with his eyes wide and innocent something I had never seen before by him "h-hi" he whispered meekly, I patted his leg and he flinched away it broke my heart even more "ok so whats going to happen is im going to take you to the new dorms, ok?" he nodded his head and I left the room so he could get changed.

A little while after I heard the door open behind me and I saw bakugou dressed and ready "ok cmon" I said and he stayed still, I then crouched down to his height and asked whats wrong "c-can you h-hold my hand p-please" he said looking down his eyes screwed shut, "ok cmon" and I gave him my hand to hold.

Time skip to when they got to UA:

3rd Person POV:

They arrived at the new dorms and Aizawa walked Bakugou to the front doors, they entered and surprisingly Midoriya came up and hugged bakugou, and even more surprisingly Bakugou hugged back, that surprised all off 1-A

"HEY WHY DOSE MIDORIYA GET A HUG BUT I DON'T!" Kirishima yells in envy

all of a sudden the whole of the class started to crowed round the poor blonde until he started crying "Hey move out the way!" Izuku semi-yelled, they all moved out the way to see katsuki on the floor crying, his arms tightly wrapped around his legs where his head was tucked in, Izuku then crouched down next to Katsuki and moved the hair out of his face

 "Hey Kacchan can you look at me?" he asked, Katsuki's  head then came up to meet Izuku's "can I touch you?" Katsuki then nodded in reply he then hugged Izuku and started to rub his tears on his shoulder, after around 20 minuets he calmed down and 1-A had gone off just leaving them two alone.

"You ok now?" Izuku asked the blond boy "y-yeah thank you I-izu" Katsuki said looking up at Izuku, suddenly a blush crossed his face when he realised there position, he was sitting in Izuku's lap. "I-i'm sor-" Katsuki began until izuku interrupted him "hey, no need to be sorry"

The two boys looked into each others eyes until Izuku lifted Katsuki's chin and brought him in for a long kiss, which Katsuki soon returned. When the kiss ended Izuku started muttering until Katsuki brought him in for another kiss a large blush covered both of there faces. They were both  left in silence until izuku said...

"Looks like you've Gone Soft"

Hopefully this makes up from the last chapter if ya didn't like it :) xx

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