Middle School Reunion???

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I will be making a part 2 to changed soon :)

(Baku Pov)

I was walking around a mall with Izu...I blush just thinking his name. He is right now in the toilet and I'm in the cafe waiting for our drinks.

Izu and I have been going out since the end of our first year and we are now in the middle of our second. We over came the differences from middle school. And anyone could realise that we have both changed physically as-well as mentally. For staters Izu is now taller and buffer, he can use 75% of OFA, which is crazy, he's also a lot more confident and fun to be around. Me however is not as tall as izu, actually I haven't grown from our first year unlike everyone else, so 1-A make fun of me because I 'small' and 'cute' WHICH I AM NOT!

Anywho I am also a lot calmer and, I hate to say it but I am scared, I am scared of the LOV and along with that I have been diagnosed with both PTSD and Social Anxiety. But I am still going to be a hero!


As I wait for our food to arrive in a small cafe in Musutafu, alone, I hear some strange yet familiar voices...Oh shit!

I could barley recognise them...it was my 'friends' from middle school..

I tried my best to hide without looking wired so I placed a menu up to my face and started at it intetly but when I felt the booth I was sitting in bounce twice I knew it wasn't Deku. I looked up from the menu my eyes peeking from the top and saw two faces looking at me. "Yes?" I said quietly. They both looked at me and then the one with long fingers spoke "Bakugou like Bakugou Katsuki, right" I placed the menu down and said "Yes, what of it" i then darted my eyes to my lap. "Do you not remember us dude" The one with devil like features began "We were your friends for like years" I looked up and obsoverd both of their features.

When they were sitting down they still looked a lot taller than me and, might I say, a little bit buffer than I am, but not that much, I think...ANYWAY...

They started asking questions about my life and I started to get uncomfortable, "So how have you been since middle school?" Fingers asks "yeah, you went UA right" Horns said. I huffed and began to speak "Yeah I'm at UA and I'm fine if you really have to know, I'm actually one  the top students at UA thank you very fucking much". They both rolled their eyes at my boasting, really I was just trying to cover up all my character development (Wink wink nudge nudge) 

"Anyways shortcake-" Fingers began before I cut him off "HEY! I'm not short!" he huffed and carried on " What are you doing here all alone" "Im not alone" I answered him "im with my significant other" I didn't want to say boyfriend because I wasn't ready to come out to some b-listers " woah sorry blondie didn't realise you were that up tight, cmon now tell us who the girl is" Horns said 

before I could answer I felt someone sit opposite me, I looked up and saw the love of my life and stared at him with pleading eyes. He looked at me quizzically and I pointed at the two boys next to me. He just nodded and began to talk.

"What are you doing?" he asked them. They both looked a him and at the same time they both said "Who are you?!?" Deku chuckled and answered with "I thought I changed a bit. but not that much." I Just giggled but quickly put a hand over my mouth as my middle school 'friends' looked at my wired but they brushed it off. They both started o guess random stuff and I was getting bored so I spoke up "cmon deku were going home" Before they could say anything we walked away.

I quickly looked back and saw them both with their mouths agape watching us walk away.

Hello fellow isolators!

hope you all are safe and inside, and I'm sorry for not updating but I will hopefully do more so in the future!

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