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!Abuse Warning!  (Izuku also has a fire quirk in this - he can control fire)

-3rd Person POV-

It was like any day their was 5, four year old boys playing out in a forest, nothing was out of the ordinary. Their 'Leader' Katsuki Bakugou was being rowdy and energetic whilst the others watched in awe (especially a young green haired boy). They played out for hours until something unexpected happened, Police cars bombarded the kids playing and out of one of them Katsukis' mother came running out in tears.

This changed everything

All the boys went home, and Katsuki was left with devastating news, his father had been caught in a accident and didn't survive. His mother was crying and looked at her son, not with pity or sadness, but with anger. "Its your fault" she screamed and the small blond "If you weren't born or out or here, he would be here with me"

This amount of frustration caught the boy of guard, sure his mother had gotten angry with him previously, but never to the extent. Suddenly the boy was shoved to the ground and the poor child started crying as his mother began restlessly beating him and telling him to stop crying. Unfortunately this was a regular occurrence in his days.


The abuse at home not only tolled on his life at home but his life in general, everyone began to realise that Katsuki no longer wanted to be the leader or the centre of attention; nor was he brash and loud. Now he was quiet and conceived, and with this change people stoped wanting to befriend him and the switched to much gruesome ideals.

"wow katsuki, what happened to you" One person yelled as he came over to the blond boy who was playing with some blocks alone. "Yeah why are you so wired now" One said as he stole one of katsuki's blocks "p-please give I-it back" he stuttered quietly. The other children scoffed at him "or what.." One of the many mocked. "Just give it back to him" a voice spoke, the all turned around to reveal a green haired boy, "why are you defending this scum" Another girl spoke disgustedly , "for staters I am just doing what a hero would do, and he's my friend" 

The blond haired boy swiftly stood up and rushed over to the green haired boy, he looked up to him with hope full eyes and said "r-really?" 

Time Skip (Their 14)

Katsuki wakes and he acknowledges that he is in his best friends room, Izuku Midoriya, He also realises that said boy is still in a deep sleep, he glances at the alarm clock on the table and realises that they are going to be late if they don't get ready quick. "Izu, Izu w-wake up were g-going to be late" Katsuki states. The green haired boy groans and looks to the blond with sleepy eyes "5 more minuets mom" he said in mocking voice "quickly were going to be late" The shorter male repeats.

Finally, after what seemed like a life time Bakugou managed to get his green haired friend out of bed and ready. And so they left Izukus house and made their way to school. "Izu?" The greenette hummed tiredly  in response "A-are you going to apply for UA?" Saying this seemed to perk up at the mention of UA. "Of corse I'm going to UA!" The tallest said with enthusiasm, Katsuki just stares at him in awe.

When they get to school Izuku said that he has to go to the toilet, and that leaves katsuki alone. He started to walk to class his eyes glued to the floor, they were so stuck that he didn't realise a person was in front of him and he ran into his chest. Bakugou looked up to see one of his long time bullys'. "wheres your daddy?" One of them mocked, they were talking about Izuku since he basically looked after Katsuki, an is the only one to know about his moms abuse.

"p-please leave me alone..." The small blond stutters; now when I say small I mean small, the blond was 14 and was 4'10 oppose to the other kids - including girls - who were all over 5'. This, of corse, didn't help with the bullying it just added.

---------(TIME SKIP) THEY ARE NOW AT UA, SORRY--------

It was their first day at UA....


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