Home sick

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After the news of covid-19 spread the earth UA students were forbidden to leave there dorms, this left a lot of them upset that they couldn't go outside or see their family. However one ash blond boy was practically having a kid life crisis.

Even though he wouldn't admit it, he is a big mother's boy. And not being able to see his mother or his father even left him very upset.


It was late at night around 2:37pm to be precise. And Bakugou Katsuki was suffering from home sickness and whilst he was thinking of his home one name crossed his mind 'Midoriya izuku' now you may not know this but bakugou has a huge crush on the one who he deemed as 'deku'.

But when the name did cross his mind he immediately thought of going to him, it was like he was having a fight with himself in his head but alas he decided to go to izuku's room. When he got to his floor he started feeling nervous, but he knew izuku wouldn't judge him because that's not something he would do. So Katsuki went up to the door and did a small timid knock on the door. He didn't except anyone to answer until the door opened at a shirtless and tried greenette greatest him.

"Kacchan?" He mumbled, sleepy dripping through his deep smooth voice "what are you doing here". Katsuki gathered all the courage he had and looked up into izukus eyes and stuttered out " I-I wanna g-go h-home" tears started dripping down his face and then he was pulled into the room and sat on a green bed and izuku then sat next to him.

Izuku creased Katsuki's cheek swiping the loose tears away and whispering words of kindness into his ear. "Do you wanna talk about it" he said still obviously sleepy, Katsuki' just shook his head, "you wanna talk about it in the morning?" A nod came from the blond "do you wanna sleep here tonight?" Two red eyes peered up at him "are you sure?" The blond asked, this time it was izuku's turn to nod.

Izuku then got under the cover and patted the spot next to him "cmon" he mumbled already dozing off, and so Katsuki just layed next to him and rested his head in his chest.

They both soon fell into a calm sleep, because they can always talk about it in the morning.

Hey party people!

Hope you are all staying inside, sorry this was short I didn't know what to do and I'm half asleep right now.

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