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Can Bakugou really be cute? I know what you're thinking...

Ofcorse not


some of 2-A were in the common room, it was around 12:00 pm so a lot of people has gone to bed. The people in the room were kirishima, Sero, Midoriya, Mina and tsuyu. They were just playing videos and were on their phones when they heard a noise from the hallway, the expected it to be kamanari since he always comes down around this time, but what they didn't expect was a half asleep bakugou wrapped in fuzzy pj's.

They all silently awwed at the blonde because of how adorable he looked. "What?" He questioned innocently "Blasty I didn't know you could do cute!" Mina screamed, bakugou looked at her as if she had grown a third head. "I don't know what you mean" he said tipping his head to the side subconsciously.

"Their saying you look cute kacchan" Midoriya said "oh" he said then he rubbed his eye with the palm of his hand because of how tired he was. "Well I'm going to get some milk"
He said gingerly as he started to make his way to the kitchen Midoriya soon following.

"You know you do look cute kacchan" he said looking down on bakugou; in their past year Midoriya has grown taller than bakugou almost by a foot. "Umm t-thanks" Bakugou said with a large blush invading his face. Midoriya then took a step closer to bakugou "mind if I walk back with you to your dorm" bakugou just replied with a small nod


They went to the elevator which took them up to their floor ( I know their not in the same floor in cannon don't @ me bro) and their rooms which were next to each other ( seriously don't @ me broski) and went to Bakugous door.

"So I guess I should be on my way, see ya" Midoriya started to walk off until he was interrupted by bakugou "w-wait" Midoriya hummed in a knowledgement "stay w-with me" Katsuki said  "only if you ask nicely, his back still facing Bakugou "Umm please" he tried again "sure, if you ask so nicely"

They both went into Bakugou a room, which was cute if had plushys on the bed which was a nice orange and yellow colour. The walked in and Bakugou sat on his bed and Midoriya say on Bakugous desk. "I like you ya know" Midoriya said not braking eye contact with the crimson eyed male, said males face suddenly turned bright red - Midoriya chuckled at that fact - "I- I like you too" Bakugou responded
"You know you're cute,

So cute I would die for you"


😝 Hey guys could you please leave suggestions in the comments so I know
What you would like to read! Thanks 😊

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