Neko Bakugou!? ~Part 2~

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Bakugou didn't know what to do, so he did the only thing he knew how to make people to stop he screamed "STOP LOOKING AT ME EXTRAS!!" Instead of the power it gave previously it came out like a child not getting the toy they wanted, suddenly he was crowed by his classmates asking questions about what happened.

"Woah Bakubro what happened" - Kirishima

'You're so tiny" - Kaminari who was putting his head on top of bakugou's and it lead to his knee.

Suddenly, Izuku came into the room and sat on the sofa on his phone, until he got bombarded by questions "stop, I have to look after Kacchan, I don't know why" He said so most peoples questions could be answered. After a while Mina suggested they watched a movie "Ok we should watch horror!" Most people agreed whilst the ones who weren't keen went upstairs into their dorms. Izuku was sitting on the small sofa with a green blanket over him, and Bakugou was next to him swarmed in an orange one.

Mina finally decided to put on the 'conjuring 2'. The all watched the movie. Midoriya was fine watching horror films, he had watched much more scary things, Bakugou on the other hand was scared out of him mind, Midoriya saw this and scooted closer to Bakugou, Bakugou raised his head to look up at Midoriya whose eyes were fixated on the movie. So Bakugou scooted even closer and by instinct Midoriya wrapped his arm around the Neko's waist. Bakugou was scared tears threatened to spew out, Midoriya also saw this gesture so he carried Bakugou Bridle-Style to his bedroom.

Midoriya put Bakugou on his bed and began to change until he heard a small "Deku?" Midoriya looked to his bed and saw bakugou frantically trying to rub his tears away. Midoriya knelt down to his leave and whipped Bakugou's tears away with his thumb. 'its ok Kacchan, I am here" He said attempting to calm Bakugou Down, he also pulled him into a hug and started rubbing his back, "The movie isn't real, take a breath"  Bakugou took a breath and with Midoriyas' kind, soothing words slowly started to doze of.

Once Midoriya thought Bakugou was asleep he whispered a small "I love You Kacchan"

and surprisingly he got a small sleepy reply.

"𝗜 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗧𝗼𝗼 𝗜𝘇𝘂𝗸𝘂"


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