Red Zone

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Everyone knew Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya as a cute, innocence, cinnamon roll. But what they didn't know is the said 'cinnamon roll' has a secret.

At first sight you would think that Izuku could never get angry. and even if you ever spoke to him you would feel the same. He was good at hiding his anger. But like anyone he had to let it out somehow.

Most people went to training or working out to fight their anger. But Izuku went to the 'red zone'.

The 'red zone' is the dodgy place in their city. It's where most of the criminals live and where Izuku lived. Only Bakugou knew he lived here, and that is for two reasons.

One he knew Izuku since they were born. And two, Katsukis' parents died when he was younger, so he moved in with Izuku.

Obviously their is a lot more that the class and the word doesn't know about Izuku, and one of those is that, like Katsuki, he has no living family. His mother died a year after Katsuki came to live with them, and his dad had been MIA for his whole life.

So he took it as his responsibility to raise himself as well as Katsuki. It wasn't much, he stole to get food and started working in the drug department. But if you asked him why, he would just say that it was for Katsuki.

Over the years he has became more known in the 'red zone' and so when he and Kat - Izuku nickname for him - applies for UA, they wanted to hold back some information and replace it with different one, a fake one.

So that's the real Midoriya  and Bakugou for you, Izuku wanted Kat to take his last name, which he did, but he didn't want them to seem like siblings at UA. Because they are actually lovers.

And that's how we're here, the class of 1-A in their dorm common room in a circle getting to properly know every  detail of each other's lives.

At first it was childish things that people didn't care about but could be somewhat useful in the future such as, favourites colour, pets name and so on.

But then someone brought up family life, they all remember patent day, when you brought you're parents to school. But two people didn't bring their parents, Izuku and Katsuki.

« Hey Midoriya and Bakugou » Kaminari said

They both answered with a nod of listening

« What do you're parents do » he continued

«and at the same time they both answered with one word

« Dead »

Everyone turned to face the two boys, who were conveniently sitting next to each other.

« Wow both of you're parents are dead » Kirishima said

« Well my dad is somewhere but who cares about him » Izuku said

Everyone then started hearing sniffles, everyone turned back to Izuku but he was fine but he was looking at Katsuki, was crying his eyes out.

Suddenly Izuku wrapped his arms around Kat, everyone flinched thinking that their would be an explosion, but no Kat just looking at a Izuku and hugged back.

Everyone stared talking being really loud, and it didn't help that it was about them. Then the unexpected happened

"SHUT THE HELL UP" Izuku screamed, still protectively holding Kat

Kat could basically feel the anger radiating off of him.

"I-Izu calm down" Kat said in a small voice that the class also flinched at

"Come one Kat we are leaving"

The class was sat in shock of what they were hearing.

"B-but I d-don't wanna leave" Kat protested "yeah I know that, but I have to calm down, if you know what I mean" Kat knew exactly what he meant so he just nodded in response

"I'm going to stay here" Kat said "ok I'll be back later" and with that Izuku was gone.

"What was that" Jiro said

The whole classes eyes were on Kat.  He got nervous so he told them his and Izu's whole lives.

"Umm so yeah" he finished

"So you have been lying to us the whole time" Todoroki did with a straight face "N-not exactly lying, b-but withholding the truth, as izu likes to put it" He said mumbling the last bit.

"By the way what did Midoriya mean by 'having to cool off' ribbit" Tsuyu said

"That is private" Kat said looking down

"That's fine, Deku will just tell us tomorrow now we know, knowing him he would want to tell us everything" Ochako said "Thinking about it, Bakugou why did you make Deku hols the truth from us" Ochako said with a death glare

"I-I wanted to tell people" he started "b-but I-izu wanted to keep it's a s-secret so he w-wouldn't go to j-jail" kat stuttered out

"Bu-" Ururaka started but was interrupted by a green haired mail covered in blood

"Deku-kun, want happened" the floaty bitch went to help izu "do I need to beat anyone up for you"

She was so worried but that stopped once she heard a chuckle

"You can if you want to beat up dead people" he said whilst walking off and sat on the couch "I'm guessing Kat told you everything, since he can't keep a secret, but please do one thing for me" his time then turned serious "Don't.Tell.Anyone"

"So now that that is cleared up I might aswell tell you a few things "I don't like you" the class was shocked at this "I don't want to like you, and I will never like you" he started getting off the couch " now if you excuse me, I've got to have a shower, you coming Kat?" He finished

Katsuki started to get up "yeah I'm coming" And with that they walked off.


"Are you ok kitten?" Izuku asked a Katsuki whilst they bathed together "I'm happy, happy that I don't have to keep that annoying secret" he pouted

Izuku turned the shower of and got out to be followed by Kat, they went inside Izu's bedroom, Kat put on one of Izu's
Hoodies which was to big on him, and Izuku just put some pants on and jumped into bed. Katsuki followed and jumped in to.
"I love you Kat"

"I love you to Izu"

                      Finished reading
                            "Red Zone"

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