Just an inch away

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I'm not sure if I already made one like this so don't @ me
Broski - but please leave suggestions! (Their also at the dorms)

(Izuku POV)
It was 1:00 am and I couldn't sleep to save my life, so I decided to go downstairs to get some water. When I went down I notice a tuff off blonde hair in the kitchen, I recognised him as Kacchan. But what I wasn't expecting is to see him on his tip toes trying to reach for something in the shelves.

I decided that I will go and help him so I waked over " need some help?" - in our past year at UA I had gotten taller
Than him by around 6 inches, obviously at first he didn't like it but he's used to it now. - he looked at me and I noticed that his cheeks had gone red "I-i DONT need you're help shitty Deku" he mumbled with no bite to it tho.

I decided to tease him a bit so I realised that he wanted to get a glass down so I went over to where he was trying to grab one and got one for myself. He looked at me with frustration but carried on trying. I went to fill my glass up and at down on a chair whilst I tried to hide my laughter, but I failed.

"What are you laughing at Deku" Kacchan said "nothing Kacchan, are you sure you don't need help?" He looked at me red cheeks and just did a slight nod, so I got up and got a glass from the shelf and handed it to him, i swear I he's a mumble of a thanks.


Then their was another time when the whole of the class went to a theme park. We all went on a bunch of small rides when Kaminari suggested we go on the biggest ride there. I was pumped but I looked at Kacchan and he seemed,  dare I say nervous! When we got their we all ignored the height sign, all of us but one blond boy.

"Are you coming Blasty" Mina screamed with enthusiasm Kachan looked at her and back at the sign and said "I don't wanna go on some shitty ride" I could tell he was lying so I walked over to the height chat and it said that you had to be 5'4 or over, Kacchan sat at a crisp 5'2 so their was no way he was going to swindle his way into it.

The class haven't noticed yet that Kacchan is too short ( he is the shortest in the class excluding the grape ball who they abandoned in the trash) I just walk in leaving everyone behind because I don't care, they can sort out the stuff with Kacchan.

Their was no one at the front so the eventually got Kacchan to get in the line, I could see him figuring so I put my hand on his crazed fingers and just gave him a look that told him everything with be ok. We got to the front of the line but Kacchan was at the front son he was sweating bullets - everyone else thought it was that he was scared of rollercoasters - he got to the front and as soon as he was faced with the employee he got told that he couldn't ride

Everyone else was wound wrong why but I just took Kacchan a wrist and walked the both of us out of the ride leaving the others. Then I took us to get ice cream, the whole time Kacchan was to flustered to speak until we sat down. "Why did you come with me?" I just looked at him and said "because you seemed stressed" I said in a obvious tune he just hummed, I hummed to and that's how we left.


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