Shitty First Year

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Bakugou Pov:

It was the start of my 3rd year at UA and I was walking into the front gates when I bumped into some shitty first year that made me fall over "Hey move out the way you extra" I yelled at him he turned to me and we locked eyes 'when the fuck did first years get hot?' 

I looked at me and rolled his eyes and walked off "OI I WAS TALKING TO YOU" I yelled at him, how rude can someone get "well maybe you should watch were your walking first blondy" and then winked at me and walked off, I was left frozen d-did that shitty first year just FLIRT with me?!!?!?

I quickly snapped out off that and made my way my new classroom 3-A, I opened the door to find that I was the last one there, I rolled my eyes and just sat at my seat waiting for everything to start.

Time skip to lunch :)

It's now lunch and I was so fucking hungry, so I went too find a place to eat my lunch away from the loudness of my frie- the extras. I decided to go up to the roof because no-one ever goes up there , but when I got there I saw that shitty first year from this morning, I huffed and he obviously noticed that and turned to me.

"oh it you" he said and then turned away, I scoffed "no shit its me" and sat down as far away from him as possible "sooooo this school is cool I guess" he said like this is any school, this is fucking UA the hardest school to get into "YOU GUESS!! this is fucking UA" I shouted at him, he then came closer to me "woah calm down blondie I was just saying its cool don't get your knickers in a twist" he chuckled 

I scoff who the hell dose this guy think this is, hasn't he learnt about respecting your elders "anyways whats your quirk" I ask trying to change the topic "oh enhanced strength" he said (so basically all might saw him try to save a random guy from his middle school instead of bakugou and ya know what happened - he didn't get bullied just shunned away in middle school ) 

Izuku POV:

This blond guys kinda cute, who cares if he's a tad bit older than me. "so whats your name blondie" I ask him with a smirk on my face, WHAT! I have to try "Bakugou" he said plainly "Whats your first name?" he scoffed and then I heard hi whisper "katsuki" whilst looking down to his lap 'cute' I thought  "ok Kacchan~  well my name is Midoriya Izuku" I said making a nickname for him.

"KACCHAN!" he shouts wide eyes "yeah a cute boy needs a cute name" I say looking into his eyes, he then turned away and said "F-fine DEKU thats your name because ummm your useless" he said stuttering a bit, suddenly the bell went "see ya round kacchan~" I then pat his head and walk off

Katsuki POV:

he patted my head and walked off! Wtf is wrong with that Deku and why dose he have to be so hot! THAT SHITTY FIRST YEAR!

Time skip to end of the day!  

It's the end of the day and I was walking out the gates when I saw that shitty Deku again, he then waked up to me and said "Good evening Kacchan" and then swings his arm around my shoulders, when did first years get this tall, given that I was kinda short, im only 5'6 and I FUCKING HATE IT, all my classmates have already grown ugh, but now is not the time for that.

Deku seems to be like 5'9 or something and he's  a fucking first year, I guess in first year some of my classmates were like 6' BUT STIll

anyways we split our ways after I told him to let go off me and I walked home.

After that we started to have frequent little run ins like that everywhere I went, the shop around school, even in my neighbourhood park! and its been like that for 4 months now and I guess we've gotten closer, I started to learn more about Deku and I started to share more to him, but recently Ive gotten this weird feeling around Deku so I looked it up and it said that i...



anyways it was now the start of winter break and as I was walking out off school Deku came over to me and told me he wanted to speak to me, I nodded and he took me to the park near my house, we sat on a bench and it was really cold, I forgot to bring a coat and any type of warm clothes. Deku somehow noticed this and wrapped his coat around my shoulders.

I tilted my head in confusion and he just said that I looked cold, I nodded my head and asked what he wanted. "umm well you see, I really like you Katsuki like in a like like way, I understand if you don't want to except my feel-" I cut his mumbling off with a kiss and smiled at him "I-i like you too" I said as a felt a warm blush cover my face "oh, well ya wanna be my boyfriend" he asked I giggled at this and answered 

"Ofcorse you shitty first year" 

and I kissed him.

 This was requested by 

Thank you for 70K reads Btw :)


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