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(Katsuki is not in 1-A but he still grewup with izuku so let's say it's Shinso instead 😊)

1-A minus izuku decided to go for a picnic in the park to celebrate their end of the first year (they did invite izuku but he was busy helping his mother) when they got there they were all talking and having fun until Todoroki saw an ash blond boy sitting alone on a bench he decided he would go to talk to him.

"Hey" Todoroki said "what are you doing sitting alone" the blond bit looked and Todoroki and said "oh I just like to come outside and think sometimes" and then proceeded to give the half and half boy a smile "would you like to come eat with me and my friends?" Todoroki asked hoping the boy would say yes "umm ok I'm bakugou Katsuki by the way" Todoroki smiled "I'm Shouto Todoroki"

Bakugou  then went and sat with 1-A and that then started a friendship with the whole class, they started hanging out more often thought bakugou wouldn't always be able to go and or he had to leave early, they all thought it was because he had to go home for his parents or something. Also I'm the short while they all knew each other the rest of 1-A shipped Bakugou and Todoroki together since Todoroki always was the closest to bakugou.

When the summer came to the end they realised that they wouldn't be able to see Katsuki as much but they promised that they would hang out as much as possible.

When the class finally started there year as officially 2-A they were all exited but over the summer they seemed to forget about a certain green headed boy so you would imagine there surprise when he came back much different than he left.

The new class 2-A were all talking about how they were existed to start the school year and everything until the door busted open, they expected it to be Aizawa but a green haired boy came in and made his way straight to his desk, over the summer Midoriya had seemed to get taller and he now had an undercut he also seemed a lot more buff and confident. When the class saw him they instantly crowded round him asking what had happened and get shouting at him and he got fed up so he shouted

"Shit the fuck up Jesus you guys are loud" and then put his head on the desk the class backed away and waited for the class to begin

It was a few months into the new year and the class seemed to forget about izuku again, at this point bakugou practically replaces him and nobody even realised, not to mention he didn't even go to there school

The  whole of 2-A were outside for hero training when All Might asked them to get into pairs the whole class did so but Ururaka didn't have a partner so she raised her hand and said "sir I don't have a partner"

You see usually Izuku would do the tasks alone but since the pairs were mandatory Aizawa pointed at Midoriya and told Ururaka to partner with him, Ururaka was shocked because she forgot he was still at the school and quickly walked over to him, the class spread into there groups

"Sooo" Ururaka said "you wanna spar?" Midoriya just chuckled and said "that's the task isn't it genius" to be honest with herself she thought Midoriya would be much more....depressed sounding but she guessed

After Midoriya had one like 3 out of 3 of there spars the lesson was over and he walked away, little did he know he would be the main part of 2-As meeting later that night

2-A (exuding Midoriya obviously) gathered in the common room, Ururaka set this up and they didn't know why

"I think we should introduce Midoriya to bakugou-kun" she said to the class "what brought this on ribbit" Tsuyu said "he just seems left out of the class because he never comes to anything and when we do anything it's always with bakugou-kun" she explains "that's a really manly plan man" Kirishima cheered.

And so it was planned the next day Midoriya would meet bakugou.....

Midoriya awoke to a knock at his door

"Iida?" He questioned "sorry to wake you Midoriya but later today you will have to come down stairs into the common room" Iida said sternly "yeah sure see ya" Midoriya replied

Midoriya got dressed and ready and then proceeded to send a quick text to the person he was supposed to hang out with today that he couldn't come, to his surprise the other guy said the same thing but he didn't think anything off it so Midoriya went down stairs into the common room and saw an blond tiff of hair on the sofa alone

"Hello?" Midoriya said, the blond male turned his head and said "Deku?"       "Kacchan?"

"What are you doing here" they both said at the same time "I thought you said you couldn't hang out today" bakugou said "I thought you couldn't hang out today" Midoriya said

They talked for a little bit and then started to play Rock Paper Scissors but with a twist while they waited for 2-A

Basically with the version of Rock Paper Scissors they are playing  you kiss the other person everytime you win....if you haven't caught on yet Midoriya izuku and bakugou Katsuki are dating, they have been since there second year at middle school, and they carried on their dating throughout them doing to different schools, Midoriya new bakugou had other friends and bakugou knew Midoriya had other friends (not 2-A) but they always made sure they had room for each other but tried to stay out of close friendships

After a while of Rock Paper Scissors - Midoriya is winning - they here the door open and in floods 2-A

"Oh looks like you met" Todoroki said monotonously but slightly blushing from seeing bakugou

Midoriya and bakugou looked at each other and then back at 2-A and both said

"We already know each other"
"Huh" the class said 
"Yeah practically our whole lives"

The class was shocked at this new knowledge and they ended up taking about there lives but relationships didn't come up until Mina told Midoriya to talk to her in the kitchen he said alright and followed her "so we need your help since you've know bakugou the longest apparently" Midoriya hummed in response "were trying to get Todoroki and bakugou together" 

When I say that if Midoriya had a drink it would be everywhere "not gunna happen" he said "Kacchan already has a boyfriend" and then proceeded to walk other to bakugou who was talking  to Todoroki and kissed him on the lips the rest of the class gasped bakugou was red Todoroki seemed angry but most importantly Midoriya shouted


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