They Like Each Other!!

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Btw this is not a relationship just a friendship

Katsuki came down stairs into the common room on the phone to his mother "yeah mom I'm doing good at school I got an A+ on my last English test" he spoke into the phone, suddenly he lowered the phone and turned to Izuku "she wants to speak to you" he said

Izuku took the phone off him and spoke "hey auntie" he said - the whole class turned to look at him 'auntie??!?' They all thought "yeah I'm doing so good at school" he said getting up to make some coffee "yeah Katsuki's been very bad" he said with a smirk "NO I HAVEN'T" katsuki yells from the kitchen "he almost killed a cat yesterday it was a traumatic sight" Izuku taunts 

Suddenly katsuki burst in trying to get his phone from Izuku but unlucky to Katsuki, Izuku had a growth spurt making him 6'2 much taller than Katsuki who was left at 5'7. So katsuki was jumping up trying to grab his phone while Izuku makes up nonsense to tell to him mother while laughing his ass off.

"Give me my phoneeee zuzu" Katsuki whines looking up at the other with a pout and puppy eyes, most people when Katsuki does that face gives in, but izuku knew him way to long so he just flicked the side of katsuki head saying "nice try" and carried on, this lasted another 10 minuets until izuku said "Alright auntie see you soon bye" and hung up he phone and gave it back to Katsuki 

And then katsuki looked up a izuku and started to punch him like crazy, these didn't really hurt since izuku and put on a-lot of muscle and was much stronger than katsuki, and so izuku grabbed both of katsuki's fists and said "i'm sorry Katsuki, okay?"  Katsuki looked up to him and sighed and pouted "fineeee" he huffed "but don't do it again" 

Katsuki turned and saw most of the class looking at them "What are you looking at" Katsuki questioned not in the mood to yell anymore so he just tilted his head slightly and wondered why they all looked shocked "we didn't know you were like friendly to each other" kaminari said everyone else agrees "oh, well I've known Deku foreveeer soo.." and with that they both left laughing their asses off at the classes reactions

Its been a while...

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