Secret Relationship...

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Katsuki POV:

Ok so, this may come as a surprise to you but me and Deku are in a relationship, I know I wasn't the nicest to him but after he saved me from the sludge villain we began to get closer and soon after I caught feelings for him but what was a surprise to me is that he liked me and asked me out firs, we are now in our 2nd year at UA and no-one knows yet, not even our parents. 

Personally I don't want our relationship to get in the way of being heroes so we both decided to keep it low-key.

-In The Common Room With The Bakusquad-

I'm with the so called 'Bakusquad' or whatever, when I get a text from deku


Deku💚: Hey Cutie, how are you xx

I blushed at the message

    Kacchan🧡: I'm good :)

Deku💚: wanna come to my dorm later ;)

Kacchan🧡: Okie Dokie <3

I then turned off my phone, what I failed to remember is that I was in the room with my friends and I was smiling and blushing at my phone...

"sooooo" mina starts "whoss the lucky girrlll" they all look at me expectantly, it was funny really because deku is nothing like a girl, but I decided to play along with it. "it doesn't matter" I say and I get up to go to deku's room to discuss what just happened.

I knock on Dekus door and he opens it quickly, he then opened the door and I shoved past him. "the extras found out that i'm in a relationship, they just don't know its with you" I said quickly. I put my face in my hands waiting for deku to say something and the. he just laughed, "why don't we have some fun then?" he answers with a smirk on his face.

he then whispers in my ear...

"We act like we do in private around the class and if they say anything we act like we don't know what there on about, and then when they find out we can just tell em" I looked at him for a second then smiled and jumped on him wrapping my arms around his neck he put his on my waist and we shared a kiss, we decided we would start tomorrow...


I got up exited about what the reaction of the class would be, I got dressed and left my dorm and texted deku that I would walk with him. When I left I saw Shitty Hair coming out of his "Hey Bakubro" I just grunted in response, I didn't want to talk to him today. "so wanna walk to school together" he asked "no" I responded and got In the lift. when we made it to the ground floor he wouldn't stop asking me why. ugh. and as soon as we made it to the common room I saw deku so I ignored shitty hair walked over to him grabbed his hands and walked away.

As we exited the dorm he looked down at me (Shitty tall bastard) "What was that?" he asked "stupid shitty hair wouldn't leave me alone" I answered he looked angry but I told him that it was fine.


we did the kind of cheesy romantic stuff all day like holding each others hands everywhere talking a-lot and we could see everyones eyes on us.


When the lunch bell went I gathered up my stuff and waited next to deku's desk, I could feels everyones eyes on us 'its working' I thought I looked at deku and I could see that he knew too. we continued to walk out the class room until my 'friends' stopped us from leaving "we thought you had a girlfriend Baku" Mina starts  I just shrugged "so why are you doing all that kinda stuff with Midoriya" Sero finished for her. I was gonna answer but deku did it first 

"Well I guess i'm a girl now" he said he then clapped his hand and then took mine into his and walked me into the cafeteria leaving them stunned I giggled as I looked back and saw there faces, they were so funny. "What are you giggling about?" he asked me "nothing" I respond. we walked into the lunch room and Deku's friends kept on asking him to go with them...

He said no and sat with me he then kissed me and everyone looked over

"I guess its no longer a secret..."

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