On the run

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The whole of class 1A were sitting ready for their day to start, all except one green haired boy. Aizawa got up onto the podium and was just about to speak when the door bust open and a Midoriya busted his way in. 

They started asking him questions but where immediately silenced by police sirens, suddenly the po po bombarded their class room. "Izuku Midoriya, you are under arrest for selling and taking drugs, killing multiple people and illegal possession of a gun." One of the cops said. This one sentence shocked the whole class.

 "Mate, what are you on because I aint going to jail for that shit you nasty bastard" Izuku exclaimed "You think that you are so good because you wear a fucking gold badge, oh sorry you are to weak to become mother fucking heros so you become some disgusting creatures in blue outfits who eat donuts all day"

What Izuku said hit home for many of the officers "I advise you leave so I can get on with my fucking like dick heads" Izuku finished and the police swiftly left without a word. At this point the class got to see izuku, his hair was messy but hot at the same time, he had black ripped jeans on but his school shirt and tie - which was loose - he was also wearing back shoes.

Izuku then scoffed and sat at his desk, he sat with his legs wide open (Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge) and he was just tapping his pen expectantly for the lesson start.


It was now lunch time and izuku was sitting alone on his phone, that was until a short fiery blond sat opposite himself. "What" Izuku said tiresomely "w-what was that about this morning?" silently cursing at himself for stuttering, but deep inside he had this new emotion towards izuku...Fear?

"They chased me" Izuku said Bakugou just hummed and looked down and his fingers fidgeting with them . Their was an awkward silence but Izuku chose to fill it  "Why are you sitting with me?" Bakugou looked up at this "I-i don't know" Izuku snorted at that "Well just eat then" Bakugou made a small hum and began to eat his food 


It was a few weeks later and ever since the mishap in the class room everyone began avoiding Izuku, they were scared of him: He liked that. Well most of them left him alone, but the short blond decided on following Izuku like a lost puppy, it was a know fact amongst the students that wherever Izuku was Katsuki was too.

But their was one day when Izuku didn't show up to school and Katsuki was all alone, It got to lunch and he was walking down the hall when he got jumped my monoma "Oh look its the puppy without its owner" He said Katsuki mumbled a small "leave me alone" but monoma continued to bug him but then he shoved Katsuki into the wall "L-let m go" Katsuki shouted but it fell on flat ears as monoma punched him in the gut. It repeatedly happened until someone came to help him.

To katsukis surprise it was deku "D-deku?" he questioned "yeah Kacchan im here and ill 

never run away again"

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