Happy on the inside

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Katsuki Bakugou is mean, angry and doesn't care about anyone. Right?
Well wrong he is not always angry, he is not mean, and he cares about a lot of people.

He just doesn't like to admit it...

Their are multiple reasons why he doesn't like showing that he is a nice person and the main one is pitty.

Believe it or not Katsuki used to show his real self, but not after grade school. In grade school he used do why bullied by everyone because he was a loser or that he was weak. Or it was the teachers saying he couldn't join in with the other kids because he wasn't strong enough.

They even went so far as to have give Katsuki a friend. This friend was the one and only Izuku Midoriya. In Katsuki's eyes Izuku was strong because he could stand up to bully's, he wondered how he did it. But before school started Katsuki told Izuku what he was going to do.


"Hey Izu" A younger Katsuki asks
"Yeah" A younger Izuku responds
"W-when we go to UA, I-I want to be tough, like you!" "Then come up with some weird ass backstory and become a different person" He said casually


"Yeah just don't get me involved"

~End Of FlashBack~

Let's just say he did get Izuku involved, let's say that he pretended to hate Izuku. And let's say that, that was a bad idea.


Katsuki was walking to school when he suddenly got jumped he let out a high pitch scream expecting to get beaten, but what he got in return was an - yet again- angry Izuku.

« Shut up » Izuku said
« O-oh hi I-Izu » Katsuki said nervously
« What? Aren't you scared those extras from school are going to find out who you really are? »

« I-I listen basica-«  He got cut off by Izuku « No! Listen to me, they will find out one way or another that you are not what you act like, so why don't you spare me the trouble and tell them yourself. »

« O-ok" Katsuki whispered "What was that?" Izuku said Mockingly"I-I'll tell the t-truth" Katsuki looked to the ground "Good" Izuku said with a smirk and walked away

Oh boy Katsuki has some explaining to do.

The next day Katsuki was nervous nervous as hell, more nervous than cannon Izuku when he walked into class 1-A for the first time. (I had to sorry)

When he was walking to school he saw Izuku he started running to catch up from him.

"I-izu izu" He Said in between breaths
"Yes Kacchan" Izuku said not looking at Bakugou "I-I can't" Bakugou replied
"Can't what" Izuku said monotonously

"T-tell the truth"The blonde said scared "Oh, the lets make a bet"  The greenette said with a smirk"Uhh ok?" The blond replied

"You will be my bitch, if you don't tell the truth by the end of the day." He said still smirking. "What Dose that mean?" Katsuki said looking up to Izuku "aww poor, poor, Kacchan. To innocent for his own good" he said tapping Katsuki's right cheek.

The duo walked into the school and all the thoughts going through Katsuki's head was making it crazy.

So he walked into class knowing that he was going to be Izuku's 'Bitch', or whatever that meant.
It was the end of the day and the secret was locked, tight and not going to be unlocked for a long, long time.


"Hello bitch"

Oh no, he knows exactly who that voice belongs to.

"H-hi Izu" He said turning around

"You know what you are now" Izuku said whispering into his ear. Katsuki shook his head.

"My Bitch"


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