Neko Bakugou!?

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It was any other day everyone in class 1-A were settling for in to their sets for their lessons to start, when they realised that a feisty blonde wasn't in the class yet.

That got a lot of people worried, especially a greenette who knew that Bakugou never, and I repeat NEVER missed school. Midoriya started worrying like crazy until an elder man in a yellow sleeping bag rolled into the class.


Aizawa got out of the sleeping bag and stood at the front of the class. "As you have seen" he said in a monotonous voice "Bakugou isn't here, that is because on his way to school he got hit by a quirk" the class started to riot " calm down" he said "Midoriya you will look after him until the quirk ends"

All eyes were on him "what why me sir, Kacchan hates me!" Midoriya said in protest "You are looking after him end of conversation, now go to recovery girl"

Izuku POV

When I got to recovery girls office I was nervous as hell, I didn't know what would happen, but I have to be brave , for Kacchan. I opened to the door to be greeted with Recovery girl and on the bed a small white lump, and when I say small like the size of a 5 year old. But I shrugged it off and went to ask recovery girl some questions.

"Midoriya, Bakugou been hit by a quirk called neko" Neko as in animal " you mean he is like a anima hybrid" "exactly, a wolf to be in fact" so he is a wolf hybrid, ok " then where is he?" I questioned "He is in the bed" she replied. Ok Izuku you can do in this i thought.

"Kacchan?" I called, the blankets moved to show a scared little face with two blond ears poking out the top. "D-Deku?" He questioned, his voice was very small barley their, and it seemed higher. " yes Kacchan it's me, I need to take you to the dorms to rest" After i said that he started shaking his head " N-no I can't g-go our looking l-like this" he said stumbling on his words.

I looked at him in sympathy and then I took the blankets off him, I heard him let out a high screech and that's when I got to look at him. He was wearing a hospital gown that was far to big for him and he seemed to be much smaller, around the height of a 5 year old.  Then my eyes found themselves to the new tail and ears. I was so lost in thought that a simple whimper caught me off guard.

I looked and saw Kacchan crying before I realised I brought my hand Ik to his face and wiped his tears away with my thump, the rest of my hand now cupping his small face. "What's wrong » I said quietly. « I-I don't want to be a wolf » I silently awwed at how cute Kacchan was being « I know it's hard but you need to be strong ok, and plus no one will see you since their in class » he nodded and swung his legs over the side of the bed and jumped down.

We was just about to leave until I felt a tug on my leg, I looked down to see Kacchan, I knelt down so I was around eye level with him and asked him what's wrong «I need clothes »
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that, their was no other clothes so I grabbed my green hoodie from my bag and put it over his head. It was so big on him it reached near his axles, and his hands were lost in sleeve. I saw him trying to roll it up but his small hands couldn't do it so i did it for him I heard a muffled thank you but I brushed it off since it was Kacchan.

We finally made it to the dorms, on the way their I realised that Kacchans small legs couldn't keep up with me so I decided to pick him up and rest him on my hip, he struggled at first but soon melted into my touch.

Once we made it to my room I placed him on my bed and he soon fell asleep. I shortly followed...

When I woke up I saw that it was 5:23 so that means that everyone is back, I look to my left and see a still neko Kacchan, so I decide to wake him up « Kacchan wake up » he stirs awake « Deku?" He questions "yeah it's me, are you hungry » he looks at me for a second and then nods. I do notice his strange behaviour but I blame it on the quirk.

« Kacchan » i ask, he looks up at me and hums « what did the quirk do to you mentally » he looks up at me and then looks at the floor « it made me have to express all my emotions » he said « also makes me more clingy » he mumbles. I just hum if wasn't his fault.

I walked into the kitchen and he walks into the common room and all eyes are on him. I can see out of the corner of my eye that he goes bright red.

Katsuki POV
I walked into the common room and all eyes were on me I felt the heat flood to my face. I felt so small and Because of this stupid quirk.

               ~part two or two-shot?~

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