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It was the middle of the night in the dorms and every know and then a clash of lightning and thunder would echo the dorms, down stairs the majority of 1A apart from Izuku and Katsuki because Izuku was studying and Katsuki was asleep - it was his bedtime -

The class were minding there own business when a very Loud lightning strike was heard and what followed after it was a loud scream "OMG is that Deku-kun" Uraraka spoke in worry, the class rolled there eyes. Uraraka had a tendency to just be really protective over Izuku and at this point it was so stupid, they were all 16 and izuku could handle his quirk and himself much better.

They all got her to calm down but after 2 minuets it happened again, the same scream. The class decided to go up and check on izuku since, to there knowledge he was the only other person awake. 

They went and knocked on his door, and after a few seconds it opened to a shirtless Izuku "umm yes?" he questioned also confused why the whole class were here, suddenly Ururaka pushes her self to the front and starts asking if he's ok and everything.

"Whoah I'm fine, why?" He answered still confused. "Well you were screaming bro, we thought you were scared of the storm" Kirishima answered "screaming? That wasn't me screami-" he goes to answer but gets cut of by the scream, suddenly izuku barged out of the room and took the stairs to the 3rd floor, the class were confused but followed him.

He then goes to knock on Katsuki's door, "Whoah Midoriya are you sure you should do that, if you think its bakugou why doesn't kirishima go in since, ya know he's the closest" Izuku rolls his eyes and just knocks on the door, suddenly the class hears feet coming to the door and here it open, they wait for a screaming angry Katsuki but instead two arms wrap around Izukus torso and a head is placed in his chest.


The class was now in shock, 'the screaming came from bakugou??' they were all thinking.

Izuku managed to get the class to leave so he could calm down Katsuki properly.

Izuku then rests katsuki on the bed in the room and lies down, slowly rocking him tightly"hey Kat" izuku starts "you're ok, you're fine" izuku wipes Katsukis tears and hugs him until they both end up fast asleep..

hey, sorry this is short :0

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