Chapter 13 | I called shotgun

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We make our way to the warehouse and I go search for Marco. I found him checking labels on boxes.

Marco, I said waving at him.

y/n! Haven't seen you in a while. He says giving me a side hug.

What brings you here?

Levi wanted me to pick something up. He's out of town so he sent me.

Oh yeah, it's in the back I'll go get it. Stay right here 

As I stood where he told me, my mind wandered to what way was I thinking of Jean in, was it in a friendly way?, do I have a thing for Jean! I say to myself. Don't be silly y/n it's jean were talking about exactly it's jean there's just something about him. no y/n stop you don't like jean in that way.

Here it is, Marco says carrying a box.

Thank you, I say taking the box from Marco.

No problem, just sign this for proof you picked it up.

What even is this I say while signing the paper Marco gave me.

It's just a whole bunch of things in bulk, Marco said taking the signed paper from me.

Well, thanks Marco it was nice seeing you.

You too y/n see you soon. Macro says waving bye to me with a smile.

I head my way to Jean's truck putting the box in the back seat.

Just to midnights and that's it and we can go get lunch. I say to jean getting into his truck.

Alrighty let's go, Jean says, starting to drive off.

While driving, Jean's phone starts to ring.

Can you see who that is for me y/n?

I grabbed jean's phone that was in the cupholder.

It's Eren, I say to jean.

Do you mind answering it for me, Jean says.

Um sure.

y/n: hello, I say answering jean's phone

Eren: Jean? Why do you sound like a girl?

y/n: uh it's y/n actually jean's driving.

Put it on speakerphone, jean says.

I do as Jean tells me to putting it on speakerphone.

Jean: Eren what's up.

Eren: do you mind picking me up.

Jean: yeah I'll be right there let me just drop y/n off.

see you, Eren said hanging up.

Sorry, y/n. You mind hanging at midnights for a bit and I'll pick you up after I get Eren.

Yeah, go ahead. Take as long as you need.

Soon as we reach midnights. I grab the box from the back seat. And make my way to the door waving bye at jean as he starts to drive off. 

I unlock the door. Walking in and going to put the box in the back.

I figured since I'm here. I'll make myself a coffee. I grab the stuff and start preparing everything. After doing so, I grab my ice coffee and head to Levi's office. I see rent money exactly where he said it would be under the coffee cup. I grab it and put it into my bag.

I then make my way behind his desk to check his emails.

Sitting on his chair looking at his computer there's a password.

Hmm, what could it be?

Midnights123 I put in not being the right password.

He doesn't have any pets or kids so what else could it be. no, It can't be I think to myself

I then try typing out

Ewrin123 and not so surprisingly that was the password.

I then look over his emails seeing a bunch of coupons for cleaning products and so many random emails from hange. One of her emails she sent him was a link on how to grow an inch taller. It made me laugh especially because he actually clicked on it.

There weren't really any important emails. And I was about to log off until I saw an email saying

That midnights is nominated for best small business. and there will be announcing the winner at the town hall get-together.

Wow, this is great news. Do I call Levi for this, is this important? I'll call him later.

I'm not sure if he's busy right now and if it's not important I don't wanna waste his time with it.

I log off Levi's computer leaving Levi's office.

I then see Eren and Jean. looking through Sasha's box of pastries I was supposed to give her.

Hey, y/n if you don't mind Eren is getting lunch with us.

No, it's okay I don't mind at all.

You sure I'm not interrupting anything am i. Eren says.

No me and jean both say at the same time.

Well, let's go eat then. Eren says.

You ready y/n? jean ask me

Yeah, let's go.

We all walk out midnights. Going to jean's truck I walk to the passenger seat about to open the door until Eren covers the door handle with his hand.

Sorry y/n I called shotgun, Eren says.

Eren, just let her sit in the front, jean says.

Why I thought there was nothing going on? Eren looks at jean

There isn't! But you should still let her sit in the front.

Jean, it's fine I can sit in the back. I say

Yeah, jean she can sit in the back. Eren says.

Whatever jean says getting into the truck.

I go in the back seat as I said I was and Eren sits in the passenger seat. 

we start making our way to the dinner. 

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