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Hello guys:-)
I know I haven't written in forever but I am back!
All my chapters will be in Morgan's pov from now on. It is just faster and easier:-)

Waking up in the middle of the night due to Cals loud ass snoring is just something I will have to get used to on this tour. Because it's happened every night so far! Ugh.

I roll over and groan, pulling the pillow over my head. It stops suddenly and I thank God above. Muffled shuffling comes from across the room and seconds later the bed dips. Calum slides his hands around my waist and pulls me tight to his naked chest.

"Sorry babe. I can't help it." He says it with half an apology and half him just being tired. Awe:-(
"It's okay Cal Cal. I know. Go back to sleep." I turn my self around so we are looking at each other. I lightly kiss his lips and snuggle up to him.

We've been on this tour for about four / four in a half months probably. It's been awhile so let me catch you up. Calum and I have been going strong this whole time:-) So have Mikey and Dakota, and Samantha and Luke. But Kayla and Ash would fight a lot so they broke up. Now she is with this really cool guy, Dylan. He visits sometimes but he has his own tour to do! Ash and Kayla are still pretty close. They just get along better as friends:-))

Wake up to actual silence this morning. Magic. I here the door slam and it makes my eyes shoot open and me almost pee myself. I almost break my neck from looking at the door so fast. Calum has a guilty look on his face. "Sorry! I kicked it shut because I didn't have any free hands!" He mentions raising his arms to show the coffee cups in his hands.

I sigh and smile to myself.

After I got ready for the day, Calum and I went to meet up with Kayla, Dylan, and his friend Luke. Luke Korns to be exact. We finally reached the coffee shop and they were already sitting.

"Hey guys! Sorry traffic was horrendous." Calum said to them. They nodded and we took our seats. "This is Luke, Dylan's friend from the tour." Kayla introduced Luke to us and we said our "hellos". He seems like a nice guy. Calum wrapped his arm around me and laid his head on my shoulder. That was odd. He usually doesn't do P.D.A. Uhmm.
After our little meet up with the squad, we decided to walk around Central Park. By the way we are in New York now. Anyway...

It is nice having just Calum. It's usually with everyone hanging out together all the time, we never have time for each other. Cal pulls me over to cute little bench and we sit. He takes my hand and kisses the top of it.

"Why are you being so lovey dovey today Mr. Hood?" I look up to meet his eyes with mine. He just looks at me for a few moments and he kisses me. Of course I kiss back but it feels different this time. Feels like the first time we kissed. He feels nervous against my lips. But passionate.

"I love you Morgan. So much."

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