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Holy shit. I never would've agreed to this tour if I knew Calum was in 5 Seconds of Summer. This is going to be miserable.

I stay quiet until the waiter comes. Everyone orders their meal and now it is my turn. "Uhm...I would like a....salad." I actually hate salad. But I didn't want to give Calum another reason to pick on me.

"That's all you are getting?" I heard a voice say. I look to notice that it was Calum. "Yeah. That's it." I said low and almost a whisper.

Why would he even ask?! Why are those the first words coming out of his mouth!? How bout an apology! Ugh I am so angry...

Luke leans over to whisper,"I heard outside what happened. I'm really sorry. Please don't hurt yourself anymore." I look up at him and do a light smile. He smiles back at me.


Lunch was over and I am ready to get out of here!
Everyone else walks upfront and I stay behind a bit. Just to notice, so did Calum.

"What did Luke say to you at the table?" He pipes up. "None of your business." I snark at him and walk faster. He catches up to pull my arm to face him.

"Don't touch me!" I yank back my arm and turn on my heels to walk back around. "Please can we just talk for a second?" He pleads to me. "Hell no Calum! You are a dick and I don't want to speak with you about anything!" I continue walking until I hear Calum say," Wow! You still are a bitch and a fat ass!" I stop dead in my tracks. My mouth hangs wide open. I turn my head around just to see Calum.

He looks just as shocked as I do.

"I didn't mean it. I swear Morgan! I am so sorry!" He starts running over to me, but I run to the car before he can even say one word.

Well I have 4 words.

I hate Calum Hood.

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