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Talking to Michael is so easy. He is a good listener. He doesn't interrupt. It's just a great time. We've been talking for hours now and it only seems like a short time.

"So. I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out to breakfast with me tomorrow. Because we go on tour tomorrow anyway so why not hangout together?" He said it with a nervousness behind his voice. I looked down at my feet than back up to his beautiful eyes. "Like a date??" I wondered out loud.

He chuckled and nodded. "Yes I will go on a date with you Michael." I answered with a nod.

After the talk with Michael, me and the girls went home to pack any last minute items. Morgan has to get ready for her date and i am going to take a nap!


I woke up around 9:30. Probably one of the best naps of my life. I pop in my ear buds and play some Mayday Parade.

After a few minutes I get up and go to the living room. Kayla is on the couch while Samantha is lounging on the love seat. "Morgan still not home!? They better not be getting it in!" I said with a laugh.

Neither of them laughed. Or smiled. They just stared at me. Oh no.

"What happened?"

"He never came." Kayla said fixing her gaze back on the show they were watching. That dick!

I run up the stairs and into Morgan's room. She is asleep with tear stained cheeks and her dressy clothes still on. Make up was stained on her face as well as the pillows.

I sigh and head back down the staircase. Why is he breaking her heart more and more everyday?

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