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Calum pulled up at the house and I slowly got out. I noticed he wasn't moving so I said," aren't you coming?"

He looked up and frowned. "You still want me?" My heart broke a bit. I can't believe he thinks I wouldn't want him. "Get in the house loser!" I yell back at him as I walk up the the front door. He comes running behind me and lifts me onto his shoulder. We both laugh as he takes me to the bedroom. Calum throws me down and jumps in next to me. He come down from our high after a few more seconds and he says," I love you."

I turned toward him and kissed his lips. "I love you more."


"Nothing's impossible."

Sorry for such a short chapter but I just wanted to end it on a good note!
Love you all and I miss Kayla😭❤️❤️

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