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After a few hours, I came back to the house.

I soon as I shut the door I here Calum call my name. I drop my things on the couch and kick off my shoes. Turning the corner of the hall, Cal is already standing right in front of me.

He looks up at me and crosses his arms. "How was your date with Luke..?" He asked quietly but sternly. I scoff and walk past him. "It wasn't a date. We just were having lunch like two normal people." I stated while changing into some shorts and one of my jealous boyfriends' shirts.

"Sure looked like it too me." He sat down on the bed and rubbed his face. He also let out a sigh. I walked over to the opposite end of the bed and told him I was going to bed. He turned over and grabbed my waist to pull me closer. I lightly smiled and turned to face him.

He mouthed "I'm sorry". And kissed my nose. I told him it's alright and kissed his lips. "Can we watch a movie?" I asked while grabbing the remote. Cal nodded and sat up a bit. He jumped out of bed and ran down the hall. Came back a few seconds later with 21 Jump Street in his hands. He gave me puppy dog eyes and I finally agreed.

Waking up to see your boyfriend doing squats out your window is not a bad sight. Not a bad sight at all.

As I was walking to the bathroom, I saw my sports bra hanging out of drawer so I grabbed that and head back to the bathroom. Got done my morning routine and was all dressed in my work out clothes. I walked outside and put some of Bad Suns on my Doc. Calum noticed I was out now and stopped what he was doing to say good morning. I smiled and started my burpees.

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