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Waking up is such a challenge...ugh

After I finally got off of Twitter and stretched, I went over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I saw Morgan was already in there so I just went to Dakotas bathroom.

Knocking on her door I said, "Dakota, can I brush my teeth in your bathroom? Morgan is in the one upstairs and we all know she takes a century in there!" I heard her laugh and run over to open the door.

"Yeah come on in. What song you want on?" She asked while plugging her phone into the doc that sits on her dresser. "Social Casualty!" I try to say with toothpaste running from my mouth.

Few seconds later that song rings around the room and I start dancing to it. I hear a few bangs coming from outside Dakotas room. I rinse my mouth out quickly and we run out to see what happened.

Morgan and kayla are standing at the top of the stairs high-fiving for throwing their bags down the stairs.


Shit! We have practice today! I totally forgot! I run back in the room to grab my phone to see what time it is. 11:47 am. We have practice at 12!

"Guys we have practice today in 10 minutes! Everybody in the car now!" I grab my vans and the keys and run out the door. A few seconds later the others run out and hop in the car as I take off.


After we've been practicing for about 45 minutes, the 5sos boys walk in. Wasn't expecting them to show up!

They look great wow.

"Hey! We just wanted to stop by and see how you guys are "live" ya know?" Michael told us. We nodded and got set up. I play guitar and I sing. Morgan plays the bass and she sings. Kayla is on the guitar as well as sing and Dakota plays drums and sings! So after we get set up I take a deep breath. I'm pretty nervous! What if I mess up and they don't want us on tour anymore?!

Well here goes nothing.

(They play a cover of Rain by Love, Robot and Pvris)

After we are done they all woop and holler making me smile and giggle a bit. Luke ran over to me, picked me up and swung me around.

"Luke!! Put me down!" Chuckling, he finally put me down. After noticing he had his arms around me for about a minute, he took them away from my waist awkwardly. I laughed it off and went over to stand next to Morgan, but noticed she was talking with Calum.

They were smiling and laughing...awe! I smile and turn toward Dakota noticing she was already talking with Kayla, Ashton, and Michael.

Well....this is awkward. I slowly walk next to Luke and bump his arm with my elbow. He look toward me and chuckled. He did the same thing back to be but a bit harder. I lose my balance a bit but get steady in a few seconds. I give him a devilish smirk and do the same thing but 3x harder. He topples over and falls right to the ground.

I start to laugh hysterically and fall to the ground with him. After a few more minutes of laughing our asses off, everyone else in the room were staring at us. We abruptly stop and he gets up quick. He gives me a hand to get up and I silently thank him with a nod. Everyone gets back into there old conversations and me and Luke decide to go get something to eat.

He is definitely growing on me..

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