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All I can do is stare at these walls. Four white, dull, boring walls. They only thing I hear is the monitor beeping to let me know I'm still alive. But my baby isn't.

It's all my fault. I was a shit mother. I shit girlfriend.

I feel nothing anymore. I'm empty inside. No love. No hate. Nothing. Calum and our baby was supposed to fill this hole. But everyone leaves in the end.

Physically, no, Calum didn't leave me. Emotionally, yes. He is never home. Ever since I got pregnant he goes out partying. Always drunk and ignorant. I see more of the other boys than I do of my own boyfriend.

He doesn't even know I lost the baby. Only Luke. Who's been sitting here with me for the past 7 hours since I found the news out.

Luke told the doctors that I wasn' they are keeping me here for a while.

I've called Calum. Texted him. No answer.


Another hour goes by and Luke finally says something. "Calum is on his way." I turn my body over to look at him and nod. I don't have much energy to talk. Or to argue when my boyfriend gets here.

"What happened?!" I hear a worried voice and looked up to see Calum standing at the door way. "I've done something bad." I look out the window and sink further into the sheets. Calum furrows his brows and walks closer to me. "What have you done Morgan?"

"I lost the baby Calum." I look over at Luke quickly then to Cal. I think I ran out of tears to cry, so now I'm just running on empty. He looks at Luke then back at me. " Why are you here?" He nods toward Luke. " I've been here with your girlfriend while you are out drinking. So you're welcome actually." Luke scoffed after his sentence and walked past us. He turned around once we got to the door and told me he was going down to the cafeteria. I nodded and he left.

I glanced at Calum and told him to leave. "I just got here Morgan. I wan-" I cut him off my saying," I mean leave me Cal. You don't want me. You go around sleeping with other girls while you're drunk. You've been doing it for months. Just leave. It won't hurt you. Only me. And you've done that enough so why would you start caring now, yeah?
I fake a small laugh and turn away from him. "Don't do this. Please. I love you more than anything and I know I'm a Terrible person but please. This is the last thing I wanted." He started pleading but I knew it was all going to happen again. He hasn't changed a bit since school.

I told him to leave once more and he finally started to move toward the door.


Calum pov
I started to walk out of her room when I saw a clip board with Morgan's name on it.

name-Morgan Reel
Reason-suicide attempt
Other-killed baby while trying

That's all I saw before I started to feel dizzy. She killed our baby? While trying to kill herself?

That's all I remembered before I passed out.

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