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Okay. He loves me. Calum Hood loves me. Do I love him?

I awkwardly smiled at him and nodded. His smile dropped and he moved slightly away from me. I know he was mad that I didn't say it back. I just can't. I want to though. I really want to. Something inside of me is just telling me not to. So I didn't.
My friend Bethany is in town for a visit from Arizona. She is my best friend from back home and I rarely see her anymore!

"This is movie is stupid! Can we go out or something?" Asked Bethany from the floor. I looked down and her and sighed. "I do want to go out Beth. I am just a little bummed out because of the whole Calum thing ya know..?" I said think back to the depressing look he had on his face.

She nodded and stood up. "Well we aren't staying home. Get your ass up and get ready!" She yelled running down the stairs to grab her bag. I threw my head back on the pillow and groaned...this is going to be a long night!
After we got ready to go out, we left and headed to Lambios! It's called a "party factory". Which just underage people go to have fun and party!

I head in first with Bethany following behind. Music is booming through and I can't hear anything. But I'm mainly focused on having a good time with Beth.

We go to the middle of the dance floor and let it out! Have fun and go crazy!
We've been here for about 2 hours and I'm getting sorta tired. It's probably around 12-12:30am. "Hey I'm gonna go get some air, okay?!" I yell over the music to Bethany. She kept dancing and didn't look up so I took that as an "okay". I walked over to the exit and open the door to fresh air.

I sat down on the step and leaned backwards until my back was touching the wall. I heard a bit of shuffling toward the other side of the steps. I looked over to see a distressed Calum Hood. I smiled and scooted over next to him.

I bumped my shoulder with his and he didn't even look at me. "Hey. It's me." I knew he knew it was me but he still didn't look at me. I sighed and leaned back against the wall. "I'm sorry." I said.

He tensed his jaw and looked straight ahead. "You don't love me. I....I...just thought we were over what happened in high school."

I furrowed my brows and looked over at him. "You think because of what happened in high school is the reason why I didn't tell you I loved you?" He groaned and closed his eyes. " I don't know okay! I mean we've been going out for what, like 4 months!? I just don't understand!" He swallowed and continued," did you love Noah?"

I knew he would ask sometime. Just didn't think it would be tonight. "Uhm. I thought I did that the time, yeah. Later I found out I really didn't. I've only been in love once." I soon as I finished that sentenced he looked right at me with these eyes full of mixed emotions. "I do love you Calum. I was scared. After Noah, I thought no one would ever love me. I thought everyone would treat me the way he did. But you are different, and that is what I love about you. Okay?"

He knew I meant it. He loves me and I love him and that is what matters. He leaned forward and kissed my lips. After a few seconds, we pulled apart only to latch onto each other with a hug.

I love Calum and nothing will change that.

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