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We are all home now after what happened today. It was pretty awkward on the drive home. No one talked. I know I have many questions. I just don't know when the right time to ask Morgan is.

I decide against it right now. She needs some time alone after what happened.


"Guys! Dinners ready!" I decided to cook tonight because I feel like I need to put some effort into living with these girls. Kayla does most of everything so I think it is nice to give back some.

I hear running down the staircase, so I lay all the plates out and silverware.
"Morgan's not coming down to eat.." Samantha mentions in a quiet voice. All I do was sigh. There is nothing we can do right now.

After a few minutes of us all eating, we started brainstorming. We have no clue what is going to happen now!

"What if she starts starving herself again?" Kayla pipes up. I don't know an answer to that question. I'm really scared for my best friend though. I just don't know how to handle things like this.

"I won't." Morgan's voice rings from the top of the stairs. "Stop worrying about me. I will be fine." She does a fake smile at the end of her statement.

I motion for her to come down. And so she does. I can tell she is breaking inside. It hurts my heart seeing this. She slowly pulls out the chair and sits. "I wanna see your arms. Now." All of our heads whip over to Samantha. Morgan's eyes go big and she stays still.

"What. How did you..." Morgan trails of trying to remember a time where Samantha or I saw her cuts. We never did. Morgan stands up in a quick motion, causing the chair to shoot backwards.

"Did you tell them!?" Morgan shouts across the table to Kayla. Kayla's bottom lip starts to quiver. She says nothing. Morgan shakes her head in disgust and slowly sits back down.

Complete silence.

Kayla did tell us. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. We are all worried sick about her though and she is putting up a wall. "Morgan, can we please see your arms? We just want to make sure you didn't hurt yourself again." Kayla peered up to look at Morgan.

"Kayla, I'm sorry. I just don't want you guys to worry about me. I'm fine alright?"

"You still aren't showing us your arms. Did you cut yourself...?" I asked lightly. I'm scared for what she will do.

Morgan did a slight smile and raised her sleeves.

Just scares. Nothing fresh.

We all took a deep breath and laughed a bit. Morgan is right. We should trust her not to hurt herself. I'm so proud of her.

"So you and that Luke guy huh?" Samantha said to Morgan with wiggly brows.

Morgan laughs it off with a small blush on her cheeks. "No no no. He is really sweet and all but he just isn't my type. All he did was whisper some words of encouragement at lunch. Nothing more!" She rambled on.


After dinner we decided to watch a movie. Morgan and kayla are lounging on the floor with dozens of pillows and and a few blankets. Me and Samantha are laying on the couch about to get comfy when the door bell rings.

Kayla shoots up and runs over to the door.

We all continue to watch the movie while Kayla is still at the door. "Ugh I'm gonna go see what's taking her so long." Morgan jumps off the floor and jogs over to the door with Kayla.

"LEAVE NOW!" Is all we heard Morgan yell before me and Samantha bolted toward the door with our other roommates.

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