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Me and the girls were all talking among ourselves when Calum came back down the stairs, with a huge smile on his face..?

"Cya later girls." And with that he just left. We all stared at each other in shock. A few seconds later we all ran for the stairs.

Once we got to top of the stairs, we heard heavy cries coming from Morgan's room. I walked over first with Dakota and Samantha following close behind me. I knocked a few times before letting myself in.

I think I heard her mumble "go away". But I just continued. "What's wrong? I thought everything went spectacular by the smile on Calum's face when he left." Dakota mentioned.

She turned over to look at us with her bloodshot eyes. She sniffed and wiped her noise on her sleeve before she said anything. "He was smiling?" She said with a small smile herself. We all nodded excitedly.

"What did he say!?" Samantha asked/yelled while jumping up and down on the bed. Morgan sat up and propped her back on the head board.

"He apologized. For everything. He said he never meant anything he called me. I guess he was jealous of Noah. He rambled on and on about how much he though Noah was a douche." She stopped to giggle a bit and continued, "I told him he was beautiful! It was so embarrassing. But then he said I was the most beautiful person in the world! Or something of that sorts. Then he told me he was picking me up for our date tomorrow at 7!!" She finished with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

We all cheered and congratulated her. I was so happy that she is happy again.

"Wait wait. Then why were you crying your eyes out before we came up?" Dakota stopped cheering and asked.

Morgan's smile turned into a frown. I think she is going to cry again. Oh shit.

"He is only doing it cause he feels bad for me." She plops back down and covers her face.

"That is such a lie and you know it! If only you saw his smile after he was done talking to you!" I said to her while glaring at her.

She started to laugh and wipe her tears. "You're right. I don't know why I would think such a thing."

"Good. I am going to bed! Love you guys good night my roomies." Samantha said climbing off the bed and running over to her room.

Me and Dakota said our good nights as well and we left Morgan's room. "Can I sleep down stairs with you tonight? I don't know why I just like your bed more!" I said with a slight laugh.

Dakota laughed as well and pulled my hand to go down to her room.

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