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Hello guys! I didn't post an authors note on the first chapter but I am posting one here just to say the girls in the pics are representing the girl who's pov it is. So like for this chapter it is Samantha's pov and what she looks like:-)

I'm woken up by people laughing and running up the stairs. Morgan and Dakota I bet you a million dollars. Those are the only two I know that is up this early.
I peel my eyes open to just squeeze them shut again due to the sunlight pouring in. After a few seconds I open them back up and stretch. I start walking toward the door and down to Morgan's room. "What are you guys doing making so much noise??" I raise an eyebrow after my question. Both of them start giggling again. I smile thinking how lucky I am to have them. I laugh to myself a bit before making my way down the hall and to the right to Kayla's room. Slightly knocking, I turn the knob to her door. She is still sleeping and I am still tired so I crawl in beside her. Her bed was queen so it would fit both of us with still plenty of space. All I remember is hearing the faint conversation of my two early bird roommates before falling back to sleep.
I wake up to see kayla packing her things for tour. "Morning sleeping beauty" Kayla says with a smile. I say morning back and roll out of her bed. I yawn and head down the hallway for the second time this morning. I really need to pack my bag!

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