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I jog my way over to the front door to see Kayla talking with...Calum.

"LEAVE NOW!" I yelled while pointing outside. Both of them jumped not noticing I was there. Calum moved around Kayla to stand in front of me. "Can we go somewhere private?" He asked while still looking down at his shoes.

Samantha and Dakota flew around the corner. They were confused about why I yelled until they saw Calum.

"I think you need to leave. Like now." Samantha said while stepping in front of me. I did a small smile at her and mouthed "it's okay". I grabbed his arm and made my way up the stairs. Once inside my room I sat down in my desk chair while still not making eye contact.

Calum leaned against my window seal and stayed silent. I finally looked up to meet his gaze, which was already on me. "You wanted to talk.." I stated.

"I'm so sorry. About everything. To me saying that shit to you today, to me calling you....fat..and ugly in high school. You were never any of those things! I don't know why I would say those things to you. I just felt like you were an easy target because you were so innocent and fragile. You had that boyfriend, Noah. I couldn't stand him. He was always all over you and treating you like shit. Are you still with him?!" Calum blew out all at once.

I was taken back by all this. I doubt he didn't mean all those hurtful things he said. But why didn't he like Noah? He is right, he was a shitty boyfriend who did terrible things to me. But why would Calum care?

"Calum. I appreciate you coming here to say all this. I really do, but I don't know if I can believe you. You bullied me for years. I just..I don't know it will take some time to get used to seeing you on tour and being around you." I told him honestly while getting up from my spot and pacing around my room.

Calum noticed my worry and walked over to me. He lightly grabbed my arm and spinned me around to face him. I never took in how gorgeous he was. To the tanness of his perfect skin, to the lightly colored highlights in his jet black hair.

"You are beautiful." As soon as I processed what I just said I slapped my hand over my mouth. This is sooooo embarrassing!

Calum chuckled at my statement and said "but I'm staring at the most beautiful thing in the world so, I win." I looked down because I didn't want him to see me blush. He kissed my forehead and walked toward my bedroom door.

"Wait!" I remembered while turning to look at him. "Still hate you." I said with a straight face. But failing miserably and cracking a smile.

He shook his head and smiled. " I will see you tomorrow beautiful."

"Tomorrow? What's tomorrow?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"Our date. See you at 7." Calum finished with a wink and he walked out my door.

This is not real. Why would he do this to me. He breaks my heart and now he is trying to mend it? He is probably doing this all out of pity. Yeah that's it. I knew it.

The butterflies in my stomach all die off and I can feel tears sliding down my cheeks. I lay back on my bed and try to fall asleep, not wanting tomorrow to come.

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