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Hey guys! There are something's that are happening in my life right now that is kinda hard but I will still keep updating:-)
They will most likely be in Morgan's pov but I am going to do the others at points too. Thanks for reading<3

I dozed off in Calum's arms, and woke up in my bed. Odd. I search around for my phone and find it next to me in the bed. I check the time and see it's only 1 pm. I scroll through my missed messages and see one was from Calum.

Calum: Hey gorgeous. I put my number in your phone when I left earlier today. Call me when you wake up please:-)

I smiled so big I thought my lips were just going to melt off my face. He is so sweet. I can't believe things have changed so much since last year. I did as Calum asked and I rang him up.

"Hello?" "Hey cal its Morgan" "Morgan! Hey I had to run, me and the boys had practice. But I am coming over and we are going out to lunch alright? It's to make up for last night please?"

I couldn't tell if he was nervous or excited because he was a bit shaky. I giggled a bit before answer with a yes. We talked for a bit more and then ending our call.

I got all ready and went down to Dakotas room. "Dakota can I borrow a neckla-" I stopped when I noticed she wasn't in her room. Hmm. Maybe she is still out with Michael. There was a knock at the door and the butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"You look amazing." Calum said once I shut the door behind me. I blushed and thanked him. "Ready to go?" I nodded in respond. Once we were in his car he turned toward me. "You okay? You aren't talking much." He asked me.

"Cal, I'm fine. Just a bit nervous I think." I nervously laughed. "Why? You don't have to be nervous alright? You are going to be safe with me." I looked at him right in his beautiful chocolate eyes. I leaned into him to have our lips touch. He deepened it more and put his hand on my cheek. We kissed for just a little longer than disconnected.

We smiled at each other than Calum drove off to lunch.


"What would you like to order ma'am?" The waiter politely asked. "Um could I have a salad please?" Even though me and Calum are okay I still don't want to seem like a pig around him. "Actually I don't think we are quite ready." Calum piped up. The waiter nodded and walked away.

"Morgan. Please don't do this. You are perfect. I think you are perfect. Babe, order something you like. You don't even like salad." I laughed a bit but was embarrassed at the same time. "How do you know I don't like salad?!" I asked while still laughing. "Luke told me the day we all went out to lunch." He told me smiling. Oh yeah. I did tell Luke I hated salad. Opps.


After we ate, we just went for a walk around the city. "So "babe" huh?" I said remembering him calling me babe back at the restaurant. His cheeks turn red and he looks down. "Haha yeah. Sorry was I moving to fast?" He asked looking up to meet my brown eyes with his.

"No. I think it's cute. But I think we should learn more about each other. Ya know?"

"Of course yeah! Let's play...20 questions!" Calum said getting all excited. I laughed loudly. I nodded and we started the game.

Half way through the game we sat down on a park bench. We learned so much about each other just by playing that one game. He is actually such an amazing person. I am really falling for him and I hope he feels the same.

"I really like you Morgan. Like a lot." He said that like he was reading my mind. "I really like you too Calum. It's crazy how much things have changed in just a few days." I told him.

"I'm still really sorry for everything I've done." Calum apologizes about once every hour. I appreciate the thought but I already forgave him.

"Cal, stop. I know you're sorry, alright? I already forgave you. It's over." After my statement I wrapped my arm around his and laid my head on his shoulder. "Fine fine. Let's head back to your house. We go on tour today babe! Are you excited?!" Cal said jumping up and pulling me up with him.

I smiled at him calling me babe again. And I nodded my head. I took my hand in his and walked back to his car to head home.

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