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Tour day. I am so nervous I think I am going to throw up. I mean our first concert is in our hometown Chicago, but this is our first time ever playing for people we don't know!

I called all the girls to make sure they were at the hotel by 5:30. We need to get set up and be ready by 7. I was just ready to leave when Ashton pulled up in my drive.

"Hey! Kayla right?" He asked walking up to me.
I nodded and continued to put my bags in the car. "I was just wondering if maybe we could drive to the hotel together? Ya know like car pool?" He chuckled nervously. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, just uh put your stuff in the car."

Why does he make me nervous?!!


We all arrived at the hotel and started to get set up. The show starts in an hour and I am going to be sick!

Calum noticed I was nervous and he started walking over to me. "Hey hey simmer down, okay? You guys are going to perform perfectly!" I smiled and nodded.

"How was your date today with Morgan??" His cheeks turn bright red and he smiles. "It was perfect. She is an amazing girl and I can't wait to get to know her better. I think we have something special." "Awe!!!" I squealed. Everyone stared at me like some weirdo. I laughed it off and apologized.

"I gotta go talk to Morgan quick! Have fun don't worry!" He said running off to find his little girly friend.

Ugh. They are lucky. Why can't Ashton love me like that? Wait?! WHAT?? ASHTON!?


Our show was perfect! I don't know what I was worried about in the first place. They loved us! Ashton congratulated me! And the girls. Duh. The girls too...

We have to share room now we get 4 rooms. Morgan wanted to be with Calum. Dakota wanted to be with Michael. Luke wanted to be with Samantha. Awe how cute! No! Now I have to be with Ashton.....

"You ready for bed?" Ash asked ready to turn the light off. I nodded and sighed. He gave me a weird look and came to sit on my bed. "You okay?"

I faked a laugh and looked in his amazing eyes. "Not really, no." I slid down in my bed. He laid down next to me and stared at the ceiling. "What's wrong kay?" I smiled at the cute nickname he gave me and answered his question.

" I'm 18 and everyone younger than me has someone. Ya know someone they care for and someone they want to spend time with. Morgan with Calum. Mikey with Dakota. And Luke with Sam." I almost started crying but I kept my cool.

"Kayla. There is someone who likes you! You are just to blind to see it." He said turning over to look at me. I looked at him and smiled. "You?"

He nodded and laughed. "I hope you feel the same."

"Of course I do!" I said jumping up and hugging him. We both started laughing and tickling each other. "I give up!" I yelled. He finally stopped and got up to go to his bed. Once we were both done laughing our asses off we both said our goodnights and drifted to sleep.

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