Chapter 2

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When it comes life, I honestly don't know what to think. As a kid, I had my whole life planned out. From knowing what I wanted to wear that morning to standing in front of my Prince Charming, saying "I do". Now, others may think that a little seven year old girl shouldn't already know what they want in their future life. But you didn't have my mom as a mother, my mom was my very own fairy god mother. Now, those things only happen in fairytales, most people may say. But as a kid, my mom had magical powers.

She used to sprinkle pink glitter on my desk, I always thought it was my personal fairy, but it was actually my mom. My mom used to make these delicious chocolate chip cookies every time I got hurt or whenever I finished my jobs.

My mom was the best mom ever, I couldn't imagine what I would do or who I would be now without her.
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The sun soaked up my room, the smell of fresh morning air and dew seeped into my body. If I had to pick what part of the day I enjoyed most, I'd have to say the morning. Everything is so clean and new in the morning, It makes everything so bright and happy.

School starts in thirty minutes, as for most kids, I actually love school. Yes, sitting down in a desk and listening to old people nag on and on about a certain topic is mind numbing, but the things you learn may help you achieve the goals you made years before.

I run my fingers through my dirty blonde wavy hair. No body else in the house is awake, except for my father. My father is always awake, he never sleeps. Running one of the most rich and dangerous mafia gangs in Italy is a hard, exhausting, and a riskfull task, but my dad is the best at it.

Opening my closet, I pull out black jeans with holes in the knees, a white collared long sleeve dress shirt, and a nude blazer. Now you all my think, what with the business attire? My family is a part of the Galonos mafia gang. I attend a private school filled with other kids who are in mafia gangs as well. Some kids are in the most dangers and richest mafia gangs, some are in the not so well known mafia gangs. But it doesn't matter who you are or what gang or are in, you're in some mafia family and you go to the same school as everyone else.

I grabbed my phone and begin walking down the hall. My dad's door was closed and dark, he always prefers to work in darkness, why? I don't actually know.

The downstairs is quiet and empty, everything looks bigger in the morning. I live in a mansion, not to brag or anything. My parents are insanely rich, so they decided to buy one of the most expensive houses in all of Italy. I'm not much of a fancy person. I'd rather pick going out on a hike than shopping at the mall. If I had to choose between eating a messy rib, fries, or a salad, I'd hardcore pick the ribs and fries.

Yes, my physical appearance may allow people to think that I'm the type of girl who loves attention, shopping, boys, and any other things girls are obsessed with. But I'm far from liking those things. I'd pick books and textbooks over a shopping magazine. I'd choose jeans and sneakers over a dress, skirt, and heels. I'd pick a pizza over a salad, and I'd pick hiking over going to get a manicure or a spa.

As a kid, I loved all those girly things. My favorite color was pink and purple, I loved when my mom painted my nails, I loved when my mom took me out shopping. But after a hard and dark lesson with my dad, everything that I loved, everything that I enjoyed doing perished. Now I'm just some girl trying to finish off my senior year and get into a good college.
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" Thalia!" My friend Grace yelled from down the hallway. I smiled, she had the energy of a toddler after eating too much candy. Grace ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug, I groaned as my ribs caved in. " Why do you always look like a Victoria Secret Model In the morning?" Grace asked stepping back. " I'd kill to look like you and have your amazing body." I sighed, " genetics." Grace scoffed and rolled her eyes, " what makeup do you use? Foundation? Some weird expensive Italian face creme?" I shook my head, smiled, and answered, " mascara, eyeshadow, chapstick." Grace raised her eyebrows, " You're telling me that beside from the small amount your wearing, your skin is that clear?" I nodded, " gosh, I wish your parents were my parents." My smile slowly slipped off my face, my dad wasn't the perfect example of a father figure. He destroyed my childhood dreams and never showed me an ounce of attention. The last thing I'd ever call him was my father.
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Sitting in Psychology, Grace sat beside me and pulled out her textbook. " This thing is like my own personal to-go weighting block. I smiled and pulled mine out, the smell of freshly printed papers filled my body. Grace looked beside me and smiled, she leaned towards me. " Alessandro and his group is looking at you."

Alessandro is the typical screw boy every girl drooled over. He had black messy hair, grey eyes, and a toned body. His style was clean, but dark. He would sleep with different girls every weekend or get drunk with his friends after school. Yes, he may look somewhat attractive, but he was nothing less than a screw over and a lazy piece of shit.

I sighed, ignoring Graces acknowledgment. Grace frowned, " uh, what are you doing?" I flipped open my textbook and went over to the days lesson. " He's looking at you," Grace informed, " look at him." I turned to Grace, " you and I both know exactly what Alessandro is." " Uh, yeah," Grace said. " A meal waiting to be devoured." I scoffed quietly, Grace was so naive and young. Even though we were both almost nineteen, Grace was so easily allured to anything and anyone.
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Mr. Viglianco walked into the classroom right as the bell blared through the speakers. Grace looked at Alessandro and his group before grinning and looking up at the board. As I listened to the lesson, I could feel Alessandro's calm grey eyes burning into my side. I shifted uncomfortably and tucked a strand of hair behind my hair. Could he ever take a hint?

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